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Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

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14.2.2003 2:35

Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

Rado 24.?.?.?

Vela veci v tom clanku je pravdivych a suhlasim s nimi. Ked vsak niekto zakomponuje do clanku astrologicke somariny, nemoze ocakavat, ze bude brany vazne.
Pan Stwora, sam ste tu napisali clanky o nabozenstve ako o "podpornej palicke" pre psychiku a kritizovali ste cirkev (s cim suhlasim) a teraz tu vypustite astrologicke dristy?
Tiez by som chcel upozornit, ze pomenovanie "Bilderberger Group" sa sice na Internete obcas objavi, ale je nespravne. Malo by to byt "Bilderberg Group", podla holandskeho hotela Bilderberg, kde bol tento exkluzivny klub zalozeny.


14.2.2003 2:56

RE: Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas..

Vladimir Stwora editor (zavináč) zvedavec (tečka) org 24.?.?.?

Reakce na 8858

Copak musí být všechny články na jedno brdo? Nechte autorovi právo, ať se vyjádří po svém. Kdybych to psal sám, tak by tam ten astrologický úvod určitě nebyl, ale respektuji nedotčenost původního textu.


14.2.2003 3:06

Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

Rado 24.?.?.?

Clanky nemusia byt na jedno brdo, ale mali by mat aspon stabilnu uroven. Tento clanok neobsahuje astrologicku vsuvku len na zaciatku. Cudujem sa, ze do neho autor nepridal aj co vyvestili bosorky z Krondoru. Uznajte, ze v takomto texte hodnota kazdej informacie devalvuje, bez ohladu na jej pravdivost.


14.2.2003 4:18

Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

Robert emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 203.?.?.?

Lide sledujici stav veci dobre vedi ,jak se veci maji, bohuzel jevetsina lidi neverici na nejakou konspiraci a nebo moznost utvorit vlastni svetovladu.Proto kazdy prispevek ,jakehokoliv politika,ktery se splete a nebo pri plnem vedomi prohlasi do hlav nevericich "Tomasu" neco o svetove vlade by nemelo upadnou v zapomeni.
Kdyz liberalni politik v Australii prohral svoji volbu,tak v navalu pocitu pri odstupovani prohlasil vetu takoveho vyznamu,jakou nerekl za cele funkcni obdobi.
Doslova rekl toto: "At se to lidem libi a nebo ne ,tak stejne dostanou svetovou vladu!!!!!"
Bohuzel ,lide maji kratkou pamet a delat si uzle na kapesniku neni v mode.


14.2.2003 5:27

Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

Robert emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 203.?.?.?

Operation Shekhinah: Israel Plans Blitzkrieg to Capture Arab Oil Fields
by Joe Vialls Friday February 01, 2002 at 01:41 PM

Evidence that Israeli politicians are manipulating the American press & govt into supporting an Israeli military capture of Iraqi oil fields. US-backed claims of Saddam's crimes against the Kurds were lies!

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rense.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Israel Plans Blitzkrieg To Capture Arab Oil Fields By Joe Vialls 1-31-2 In early March 2001, a leading European intelligence agency received disturbing news from its most senior and trusted agent in Tel Aviv. Aware of growing international resistance to its ruthless and murderous suppression of the Palestinians, the Israeli Cabinet had met to discuss the limited ways in which it could proceed with its plans to annex the rest of Palestine, with or without the support of principal ally America, or the "International Community". At the time, the Israeli Cabinet had no idea that the subject matter of its March meeting would later become one of the prime reasons for the September attack on the World Trade Center. The Israeli Cabinet was seriously worried. Despite effective control of the western media by the Jewish-American lobby, risk assessment conducted in Tel Aviv showed there was still a high probability that continued ruthless Israeli activity in Palestine, would lead in turn to increased sanctions by the western nations. Initially the sanctions would take the form of decreased arms shipments to Israel, followed later by increasingly large cuts in overseas financial "aid", still provided in the main by unwitting American taxpayers. Sooner or later financial aid might dry up completely, but this was not the worst case scenario. Eventually, if western public opinion became strident enough, America and Europe might feel compelled to impose a complete oil embargo on Israel. With no natural resources of its own, and only limited strategic oil reserves in the country, Israelís armed forces would grind to a complete standstill in only a few weeks. Aircraft and battle tanks have an almost insatiable thirst for petroleum products, and when those products run out, the aircraft and tanks are no more use to their owners than chunks of aluminum and steel waiting for the recycling smelters. Clearly then, the Israeli Cabinet had to find an alternate source of oil, and find it quickly. Moreover, bearing in mind they would no longer be able to pay for the oil because of financial sanctions, the new source would have to be "free". Back in the sixties, ambitious Israelis had made detailed plans to acquire just such an alternate source of oil by force, but the plans had to be shelved for geopolitical reasons. Those geopolitical restrictions no longer existed in 2001, so the old plans were taken out of storage, dusted off, and renamed Operation Shekhinah. Stealing oil reserves from another nation was certainly not an original idea. The closest historical precedenKráceno (Editor)


14.2.2003 5:51

Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

Mikin 203.?.?.?

Pan Masek venoval pred casem velikou peci jedne casti sveho clanku - narazu letadla do budovy Pentagonu. Jakozto sportovni pilot jsem se snazil vyvratit jemu a rade dalsich ctenaru hruzne nesmysly jako napr. ze "letadlum Boeing se pri pristani automaticky vysouva podvozek" a podobne hruzy. Jak jsem dopadl si asi vsichni dovedete predstavit. Tam, kde nastoupi paranoia jde rozum stranou.
Pan Masek nejspis udelal dobre, kdyz zamezil "neplaticum" pristup do diskuze. Ma ted hezky sterilni casopis. A dobre mu tak......
Mikin, Banglamphu, Thajske Kralovstvi


14.2.2003 7:27

Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

Jirina Kokesova jirinakokes (zavináč) netscape (tečka) net 128.?.?.?



14.2.2003 8:25

Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

Jan Rys vts (zavináč) email (tečka) cz 193.?.?.?

Pane Masku!
je sice pravda ze s vice nez 50% toho co jste napsal bych no ne primo souhlasil, ale urcite na nich neco je. Jenze vy se porad odvolavate na hvezdy a podobne ...... a proto jsem treba ja osobne prestal OSUD sledovat. Fakta a ne hvezdy ! Krasny den.


14.2.2003 15:19

Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

Pisatel si přeje zůstat v anonymitě 66.?.?.?

"Pri té príležitosti vychází najevo, že malý Georgík s kamarády popravovali žáby obzvlášt drastickým a zavrženíhodným zpusobem, kdy jim vkládali do pusy poplašnáky a rehtali se, jak vždy žáby hezky vyletely do vzduchu a roztrhly se na kousky."

I kdyby cely clanek byl pravdou, tento jediny odstavec, z nej udela
kabaretni zalezitos...

Frantisek Tursik

Osobne jsem slysel, ze maly Jirka byl jednou ze sedmy sudicek urknut. Nevim jestli jsou tyto linky pravdive, ale zkuste si je precist:


14.2.2003 15:31

Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

stefan usdoc (zavináč) post (tečka) cz 209.?.?.?

clanek vcelku ok, ikdyz to jsou stale omilane veci. pro mne je moc dlouhy a unavny.
a tak me dnes zajima spise jak vysoko jeste pujde benzin (tady ho mame uz za $1.70 gallon) a v dusledku toho jak vse pujde "nahoru".
a jestli se pujde valcit? ano, nas to zajima moc a nechceme zadnou valku, ale zajima to mocipany??? moc ne! ovlivnime nasimi prispevky
situaci-taky ne!!! zajima to ty, co jim valka vyhovuje-vubec ne!!!!
takze mikin, ty jsi dobre zasity v thajsku, robert v australii, albert nekde v jizni americe a ja z new yorku utikam na jih taky!
mame dostatecne ukryty???? asi ne, jen nadeji, ze to k nam neprijde primo!!!


16.2.2003 8:06

RE: Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas..

zizka 213.?.?.?

Reakce na 8878

To vás chudáky moooc lituji.
Tady se cena benzínu pohybuje už 10 let od 3,5 do 5,3 USD za gallon. Teď momentálně v průměru 4.2 USD/gal.

Nechtěli by jste poslat nějakou sociální pomoc, třeba uspořádat sbírku starého šatstva a bot a poslat je tam, chudáčci????


14.2.2003 15:33

Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

lojza ad2 (zavináč) seznam (tečka) cz 212.?.?.?

Tak zitra ve 13:30 v Praze na Palachove Namesti (pokud nebude valka) nashledanou. [smích]. Kdyz uz nic jineho tak pak bude mozne
porovnat realitu s obrazem v mediich a odhadnou zda a jak moc
funguje cenzura.

ta astrologie ... au au au


15.2.2003 4:50

Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

Robert emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 203.?.?.?

Na tomhle foru ,uz bylo mnoho receno,ale mnozi si z nej nic nevzali.Citovali jsme profesora Finklstejna,udelali jsme nahled na projev Aron Sharona s jeho,"ja jsem Amerika" a nakonec i Americani na svem disidenskem radiu nic nezamlcuji ,ze jsou valstne ovladani zidama ve vsech dulezitych vladnich postech,coz ,nemuzou vyvratit ani ty nejvetsi bijci proti "antisemitismu".Nakonec je zde i zidovske priznani ,ze tato treti svetova valka bude zase jen ajen organisovana pro zidovske zamery,prvni dala podvodnou Balfourskou deklaraci,druha s pomoci Hitlera ustanovila stat Israel a ta treti ma byt za Velky Israel,jak se dovidame z zidovske inter.stranky a ulohu hraje ovsem olej,ktery vybojuji "uzitecni idioti"[brnensti Matejove}.Avsak podivejme se na doznani o druhe svetove valce z perazidovskeho profesora Henry Makow,ktery cituje ovsem zidovskeho rabina Shonfeld.


+ While European Jews were in mortal danger, Zionist leaders in America deliberately provoked and enraged Hitler. They began in 1933 by initiating a worldwide boycott of Nazi goods. Dieter von Wissliczeny, Adolph Eichmann's lieutenant, told Rabbi Weissmandl that in 1941 Hitler flew into a rage when Rabbi Stephen Wise, in the name of the entire Jewish people, "declared war on Germany". Hitler fell on the floor, bit the carpet and vowed: "Now I'll destroy them. Now I'll destroy them." In Jan. 1942, he convened the "Wannsee Conference" where the "final solution" took shape.


16.2.2003 0:34

RE: Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

Brnak 68.?.?.?

Reakce na 8885


Ty mne nazyvas "uzitecnym idiotem." Ale aspon umim jakz takz psat a mluvit. Az bude v blizke budoucnousti Australie okupovana Israelem, tak zide Ti daji prilezitost aby jsi se naucil zaklady gramatiky. Oni totiz hodne dbaji na vzdelani na rozdil od Tebe.


17.2.2003 15:33

RE: Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

stefan usdoc (zavináč) post (tečka) cz 209.?.?.?

Reakce na 8895

>Az bude v blizke budoucnousti Australie
>okupovana Israelem, tak zide Ti daji prilezitost aby jsi se
>naucil zaklady gramatiky.

no vidis, brnaku, jak tady podporujes izraelskou expanzi, my je chceme zastavit na stredni vychode a ty uz by jsi nejradeji okupoval v australii!!!

>Oni totiz hodne dbaji na vzdelani na
>rozdil od Tebe.

co se tyce vzdelani, ano oni dbaji na vzdelani, ale jen nato jejich, na to, aby ti ostatni zustali blbci a nejradeji nevedeli co se ve svete deje a hlavne aby jim tou nevzdelanosti nevideli pod prsty.!!!


15.2.2003 7:29

Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

Robert emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 203.?.?.?

) World Federalism

David Ben Gurion, writing in 1962, predicted World Government by 1987. Ben Gurion saw Eastern Europe being torn from the USSR and joined with Western Europe; and China (even Mao's China) and Japan joining the US in what seems the first published depiction of APEC: writing in LOOK magazine, Jan. 16, 1962 (scroll down to see text).

The World Government movement is often called "World Federalism" or "Global Governance"; "interdependence" means much the same.

Here are some sites promoting it: (a) World Constitution and Parliament Association: http://www.scruz.net/~tgilman/cnfdeart.dir/contents.html (b) The Commission on Global Governance: http://www.cgg.ch/ (c) World Federalism FAQ Page: http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/6094/WFFAQ.html (d) World Government Awareness Campaign: http://government.faithweb.com/list.html (this links to many other NGOs pushing Global Governance, e.g. BAHA'I WORLD b (e) Links to international NGOs (Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch etc): http://www.politicalresources.net/int2.htm.


16.2.2003 2:56

Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 203.?.?.?

Mate 100% pravdu,sam jsem se o tom presvedcil,oni maji sve zidovske skoly ,kde se opravdu uci ,co budou v zivote a k ovladani druhych potrebovat,tam ,ovsem nase "krastanske" deti nenajdete v ramci "jejich" citeni pro nabozenstvi.
Zato v krestanskych skolach se uci uplne voloviny a vymyvaji se detem posledni zbytky inteligence,aby znich byli poslusne nastroje rezimu,tedy te mezinarodni vrchnosti o kterou tak usiluji,nebot ucebnice pro krestanske deti stvorili,hadejte ,kdo?
Uz v komunismu si vzdy ucetele stezovali ,ze nejvetsi prekazkou v jejich praci s detmi jsou jejich vlastni rodice,kdo komunismus vynasel,to musite dobre vedet sam ,jako i s tim ,kdo nakonec obsadi Australii,moc do toho nezbiva.


16.2.2003 4:09

Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 203.?.?.?

Je pozoruhodne ,ze "obeti holocaustu" jsou pro valku s Irakem.
Z zidovskeho tisku,abych se vyhnul narceni "intelektualu".

Academic attacks Jews who support Iraq war
Bernard Freedman

PROMINENT Jewish academic and former senior Liberal government minister Peter Baume has attacked Jews who support a war against Iraq.

Emeritus professor Baume, now chancellor of the Australian National University, told the Australian Jewish News this week: "I have spoken to a number of members of the Jewish community and they are so against Islam that they are happy with anything that affects Islam.

"I don't think that's right because if it's Islam today it could be the Jews tomorrow."

Professor Baume, 68, a distinguished physician and researcher in social policy, was a senator for New South Wales for 16 years and served as minister for Aboriginal affairs, health, national development and education in the Fraser Government between 1975 and 1981.

Several Liberals, including former prime minister Malcolm Fraser and former ministers Fred Chaney and Sir James Killen, have already expressed reservations about Australia's support for US action against Iraq.

Last weekend, returning from a holiday, Baume joined former Liberal Party president John Valder, 71, to launch a group called Liberals Against War in Iraq.

He said he had seen an article in which Dr Colin Rubenstein, executive director, Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council, said it was hard to see how the UN Security Council could now avoid the conclusion that there was every legal and moral right and duty to fully disarm Iraq.

Dr Rubenstein, writing in the Herald Sun last week, said it was beyond doubt that Saddam possesses extensive stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, missiles and illegally imported missile engines and parts, and was working towards acquiring nuclear capabilities.

Speaking of Saddam Hussein's regime Baume said: "I think it's an obnoxious regime. It's an evil regime, but I don't think we should go to war with them.

"I don't think the possession of weapons of mass destruction is sufficient justification for attacking Iraq.

"The United States seems to believe it's all right if they have weapons of mass destruction, but it isn't if Iraq has them.

"The idea of war at this stage is wrong. If the United Nations isn't strongly on side then you would wonder, wouldn't you, what it is all about.

"I could be convinced if facts were put before me, but they haven't been. I am a grandparent and I would hate to see my son or son-in-law going off to war. My grandchildren might be involved. I don't like that. The idea of kids dying in Baghdad upsets me."


16.2.2003 11:40

ad: Dvojcata Svetového centra padají jak podtatá

Jan Jansky y2 (zavináč) seznam (tečka) cz 194.?.?.?

V clanku pana Maska se objevuje odkaz na jednu z teorii padu vezi Svetoveho obchodniho centra. Sledovani ruznych konspiracnich teorii ohledne teto udalosti jsem venoval mnoho casu a dospel jsem k nazoru, ze obe veze (+ hlavne budova WTC7) nemohly zkolabovat zpusobem, jakym kolaps vysvetluje oficialni verze. Kdyz uz pan Masek uvadi odkaz na clanek na Osudu, bylo by vsak vhodne detailneji proverit jeho verohodnost.


Na teto strance jsou uvedeny tri argumenty, proc ke zriceni nedoslo nahodou. Nanestesti dva z nich jsou nesmyslne a treti velmi sporny.

Mezi ty nesmyslne patri jiste uvedeni dulezitosti teploty taveni oceli, ktera se pohybuje mezi 1390 az cca 1530 st. Celsia. Teplota taveni oceli nema rozhodujici vyznam, dulezita je teplota, pri ktere si ocel zachovava sve vlastnosti (prevazne pevnost, nachylnost k teceni...) Kriticka teplota, ktera by mohla zapricinit zriceni budov se tak dostava na cca 700 - 750 st. Celsia. Dale je na strance uvedeno odhaleni bezpilotniho letounu Globalhawk. Nevim, kdo si s timhle dal praci, ale me moc nepresvedci rozmazana skvrna, ktera se nasledne temer neshoduje s vyslednym odhalenim... [smích] A co se tyce animace v .gif formatu, vysvetleni je jednoduche: ten podivny zaber jsem zkoumal snad hodinu na vlastnim videozaznamu, ktery byl porizen 11/09/2001. Pri detailnejsim zkoumani zjistite, ze onen zahadny objekt se VUBEC nedostane do kontaktu s jizni vezi Obchodniho centra, jelikoz je jeho pohyb videt i nad zonou impaktu dopravniho letadla pred neposkozenou casti budovy. Me vysvetleni je mnohem jednodussi - je to ptak, ktery byl mnohem blize kamere a proto to vypada, ze se pohybuje rychle a je rozmazany. Jednou jsem nekde videl podobny zaber z dalky na Manhattan, jak se k WTC2 blizi druhe letadlo a kolem rychle proleti zahadny objekt... na diskusnich serverech se vedly vasnive diskuse, ze slo o ufo a tak... kdyz jsem pak videl zaber v lepsim rozliseni, zjistilo se, ze ufo machalo kridly... [smích]

Opomenuty jsou naopak mnohem dulezitejsi argumenty (vzhledem k omezenemu prostoru je zde nebudu vypisovat, kdo ma zajem, najde jejich shrnuti na http://www.volny.cz/yansckee v sekci themes/wtc i s odkazy na zdroje).

V clanku pana Maska je obrovske mnozstvi odkazu. Nemam z casovych duvodu tu moznost je vsechny prostudovat. Nicmene by bylo vhodne kriticky se nad vsemi poskytnutymi informacemi zamyslet. (Napr. problem astrologie jako padneho argumentu)

Jednim z duvodu, proc jsou "konspiracni teoretici" tercem posmechu je videt z clanku, na ktery jsem reagoval. Dulezita a prokazana (resp. ta, ktera je mozno dokazat) fakta se pak mnohem hure prosazuji i do "oficialnich" kruhu. Je to skoda


17.2.2003 4:55

Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 203.?.?.?

Kdyz vzhlednete k dejinam Evropy-sveta za poslednich deset roku,tak dostanete nejaky obrazek o co ,asi v podstate radobymocipanum jde,ale zkuste se vratit o sto let a obrazek se zmeni,dostane jine zabarveni,kdyz to vse shrnete v tisilete historii,tak se vse zmeni znovu,jak ve stu letech ,tak i desetileti,nakonec posudte rychly prehled z pera profesora Markow,jez dav aodpoved k dnesnim dnum ve svete ,ktery je na pokraji valky.
Lord Acton said, “The truth will come out when powerful people no longer wish to suppress it.” Since Sept. 11, more and more people are turning to the "conspiratorial" or "suppressed" view of history for explanations.

In 1891, Cecil Rhodes started a secret society called the "Round Table" dedicated to world hegemony for the shareholders of Bank of England and their allies. These priggish aristocrats, including the Rothschilds, realized they must control the world to safeguard their monopoly on money creation) as well as global resources. The same folks control the U.S. Federal Reserve and other major central banks. http://www.savethemales.ca/260602.html

They were united also by a commitment to freemasonry, which at the top, is dedicated to the destruction of Christianity, the worship of Lucifer, and the building of a pagan temple in Jerusalem. They see most of humanity as "useless eaters" and they pioneered eugenics to decrease population and weed out inferior specimens. The eventual annihilation of non-Zionist Jews was rooted in this English movement.

In 1897, the first Zionist Congress took place in Basle. In 1904, the founder of Zionism Theodore Herzl died at age 44 under suspicious circumstances. The movement was taken over by the Round Table. The purpose was to use it and Communism to advance their plan for world hegemony. During the same week in November 1917, the Bolshevik Revolution took place and the Balfour Declaration promised Palestine to the Jews.

The Round Table group planned three world wars to degrade, demoralize and destroy mankind, rendering it defenceless. The Third World War, now beginning, pits the Zionists against the Muslims. http://www.savethemales.ca/071002.html

The purpose of Zionism is to help colonize the Middle East, subvert Islam, and control the oilfields. For this reason Israel continues to receive blank checks. (One analyst estimates the US taxpayer has spent $1.7 trillion on Israel.) This is why the founding of Israel took precedence over the welfare of the Jewish people.

Israel has little to do with the Jewish people. Zionism, Communism, Feminism, Nazism, are creations of the same satanic cabal. These 'isms are means to the final goal, a neo feudal global dictatorship. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover referred to this when he said: "The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists".

As unwitting overseers, Israelis will continue as victims of "compulsory suicide." Americans too are being fitted for this role


17.2.2003 9:17

Američani a obchodní sankce

Spiteful Evilman evilmans (zavináč) seznam (tečka) cz 212.?.?.?

Celý víkend jsem pečlivě pročítal stohy novin vydaných v průběhu minulého týdne. Co mne nadzvihávalo, bylo oznámení, že v USA je bojkotováno Francouzské a Německé zboží. Pominu-li fakt, že Američané se opět chovají jak malé děti, trucující kvůli nepůjčenému autíčku, tak tato informace by měla vyvolávat důležité otázky v Česku.
Otázky, koho ve sporu podpořit. Pominu-li opět fakt, že nejsem vnitřně přesvědčen o nutnost akutního zásahu v Iráku a budu brát v úvahu pouze výhody které by případně plynuly z podpory České republiky ve vtahu k USA, je nutno zohlednit tato fakta:
- proč podporovat někoho kdo z uražené ješitnost bojkotuje zboží našeho největšího obchodního partnera?
- proč podporovat někoho kdo z pozice velkobornosti bojkotuje zboží ze zemí Evropské unie, kam i my budeme po roce patřit?
- proč podporovat někoho, kdo nám nedůvěřuje natolik, aby nás zprostil vízové povinnosti?

Zkusme se na daný problém podívat jinou optikou, optikou českých zájmů a každé takové rozhodnutí uvodit otázkou v americkém duchu: "Co nám to přinese?"


17.2.2003 9:18

A co Severní Korea? Je to v pohodě?

Spiteful Evilman evilmans (zavináč) seznam (tečka) cz 212.?.?.?

Jednat se pouze a jen výlučně o rozhodnutí, zda preventivním úderem na Irák se zbavit potenciální hrozby zbraní hromadného ničení, tak bych pro tento zásah ruku zvedl, i když bych si nechal vysvětlit způsob jak tuto choulostivost provést s co možná největším citem, s cílem minimalizace obětí.
Ovšem za dnešní situace, kdy není zcela jasné zda a kolik těchto zbraní Irák vlastní a na druhé straně světa vykřikuje Severní Korea, že tyto zbraně nejen že vlastní, ale je připravena a schopna s nimi zaútočit na jakýkoliv Americký cíl na světě (byť o tomto pochybuji), jsem zásadně proti úderu v Iráku.
Buď začnou USA ke Koreji přistupovat výrazně razantnějí a prokáží tak, že rozhodnutí útočit na Irák je podloženo zájmem eliminace nebezpečí zbraní hromadného ničení a nebo nemohou očekávat moji podporu pro tento útok.


18.2.2003 0:29

jak šel čas...aneb bozi mlyny se toci pomalu

jirik 68.?.?.?

jo, cas sel a jde. izrael, ten zloduch zidovsky, nas stoji pekne obeti a jeste bude!!! at jakkoliv, tak jim vdecime za zrod bolsevizmu a vseho svinstva na svetovem deni, vcetne 11.9.
myslim, ze komentar staci az nad hlavu.


18.2.2003 2:47

Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 203.?.?.?

Brnaku,nahledni do zidovske historie a do babbinskeho uceni a zjistis,ze touhou po svetovlade,ktera je stara tisice roku,od techto ,tak zvanych zidu,take ma stinnou stranku ,kde se predpovida posledni katastrofalni pogrom,ktery si svou hrabivosti a svym gansterstvim vykoleduji a zide dobre o teto predpovedi vedi,takze vylet do Australie se muze zvrhnout v hromadne odskodneni,ale nebude mozno jej vyplatit ,nebude totiz nikdo ,kdo by jej pravzal.Zadna slava veroste ,az do nebe!!!!
Nakonec zide,rikejme jim tak ,dobre jsou si vedomi ,co zpusobuji jinym lidem,jen vzpomen Horakove ,jakym zpusobem ji i popravili,a kdo byl "kralem" v "Ruzinskem Domecku".
Zionist Jack Bernstein. Bernstein warned:
“The Zionists who rule Israel and the Zionists in America have been trying to trick the U.S. into a Mideast war on the side of Israel. They almost succeeded when U.S. Marines were sent to Lebanon in 1982. The blood of the 250 American Marines who died in Lebanon is dripping from the hands of the Israeli and American Zionists.
If more Americans are not made aware of the truth about Zionist Israel, you can be sure that, sooner or later, those atheists who claim to be God's Chosen People will trick the U.S. into a Mideast war against the Arabs who in the past have always been America's best friends. Then more AmerIcan boys will die because of these clever murderous Zionists, who, incidentally, have been responsible for pushing America into World War I, World War II, as well as the Korean War and Vietnam Wars. While Zionist international bankers and other Zionist Jews were busy counting their profits for those wars, American mothers ...............


18.2.2003 12:36

Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 203.?.?.?

Howard lauded as a hero in Israel
By Greg Sheridan, Foreign editor
February 17, 2003
"IT'S lucky for us John Howard won a third term."

The speaker is a young Israeli, a tall lantern-jawed, friendly young man, and his is a view I heard every day for a week in Israel.

The Prime Minister may be having his troubles at home, but there is one country where he would win a popularity contest in a canter.

The Howard position on Iraq, after decades of support for the Jewish state, has made him a pin-up star in Israel.

I didn't go to Israel looking for Howard, but he was everywhere – on television with US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, with his parliamentary speech on Iraq used as an opinion piece, on TV again with British Prime Minister Tony Blair – and his praises were sung by government and opposition, conservative and liberal, young and old.

Israel's Foreign Minister and former prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu of the Likud party, said: "I think the position Howard's Government has taken is the right one. It's principled and clear and has the combination of prudence and boldness that's required."

But don't think Howard's star shines only with the Israeli Right.

Former Labour prime minister and foreign minister Shimon Peres, the august dove of Israeli politics, was even more glowing than Netanyahu.

In his Tel Aviv office, he offered a reading of the Australian PM that would make Tony Abbott blush.

"There are really two types of politicians – those who are concerned mainly with image, and those who are concerned with character," Mr Peres said. "John Howard is a politician of real character.

"Australia has never been afraid to defend freedom. Australia chose, and it was the right choice."

Significantly, Mr Peres does not believe Australia's role in the campaign against Iraq will make it more likely to be a terrorist target.

"It will not change Australia's risk level," he said. "If Australia does nothing it is still a terrorist target."

Israel may be the one place outside Washington and Whitehall where Australia the nation, and Australia's Government, are widely popular.

Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert recalls his 12 days at the Sydney Olympics as a golden time. Like other Israelis, he showers praise on the Howard Government and its leader: "I share and support the views of John Howard, Prime Minister of Australia. I believe this (the disarmament of Iraq) is inescapable."

Labour Party leader Avram Mitzna sees the Howard Government's leadership on Iraq as part of a long tradition of Australian internationalism.

"Australia for many years, despite its geographic position, has felt intimately a part of many peacekeeping operations and many other things," Mr Mitzna said. "It's position is very appreciated."

There are 10,000 Australian Israelis, and they are popular.

I went to see one, Isi Leibler, the founder of Jetset Travel, and a one-time major panjandrum in the Australian Jewish community, who now k


20.2.2003 1:59

Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 203.?.?.?

Jak se da zorganisovat valka ku vlastni potrebe.
His first full day at the Pentagon was 4 August 1964, the day the destroyer USS Maddox sent flash dispatches to Washington from the Gulf of Tonkin saying that it was 'under continuous torpedo attack'. President Johnson went on television to tell the nation that the ship was on a 'routine patrol in international waters', that the attack was 'unprovoked', and that the US was the victim of a 'deliberate pattern of naked aggression'. Johnson ordered the carrier USS Ticonderoga to launch air strikes against North Vietnam. On 7 August, by a vote of 416 to 0 in the House of Representatives and 88 to 2 in the Senate, Congress approved the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, setting the United States on a path to full-scale war against North Vietnam.


20.2.2003 4:49

Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

Robert emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 203.?.?.?

Ted v australskych zpravach nam rikaji,ze Americane vyhlasili,ze lide ,kteri prijeli do Iraku jako stit proti valce k zajisteni miru budou povazovany za valecne zlocince.
To mne vubec neprekvapuje tohle anglo-americke chovani ,protoze zastupce Hitlera Hess chtel zabranit valce a riskoval svuj vlastni zivot a tak seskocil padakem do Skotska ,aby jako posel miru nabidl Britanii-Churchilovi mir,ale to si dal ,ten jej nechal zavrit do blazince.To byl prvni pripad v historii tohoto osviceneho sveta,ze mirovy posel zkoncil v blazinci ,kde se na nem provadeli pokusy,nakonec,je to blaznostvi chtit mir ,kdyz nekdo vermomoci pod propagandou o miru ,chce valku.
USA Banker's Magazine, August 25 1924 - "Capital must protect itself in every possible manner by combination and legislation. Debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages must be foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When, through a process of law, the common people lose their homes they will become more docile and more easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of government, applied by a central power of wealth under control of leading financiers.”


21.2.2003 6:31

RE: Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

zdenek 66.?.?.?

Reakce na 9049

>zastupce Hitlera Hess chtel zabranit valce a riskoval svuj
>vlastni zivot a tak seskocil padakem do Skotska ,aby jako posel
>miru nabidl Britanii-Churchilovi mir,ale to si dal ,ten jej
>nechal zavrit do blazince.To byl prvni pripad v historii tohoto
>osviceneho sveta,ze mirovy posel zkoncil v blazinci ,kde se na
>nem provadeli pokusy,nakonec,je to blaznostvi chtit mir ,kdyz
>nekdo vermomoci pod propagandou o miru ,chce valku.

"hanba Anglii za rozpoutani valky"


22.2.2003 1:13

Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 203.?.?.?

Ktere "americke" firmy vydelavaly v minulosti na prodeji vojenske techniky do Iraku a nestydeli se brat "spinave dolary" z rukou Saddama Husejna.Tento ,tak nenavideny diktator nechal rozdat na
400 000 zbrani obyvatelum.

U.S. Firms That Supplied Iraq's Weapons Program
1.Honeywell (R, K)
2.Spectra Physics (K)
3. Semetex (R)
4. T.I. Coating (A, K)
5. Unisys (A, K)
6.Sperry Corp. (R, K)
7. Tektronix (R, A)
8. Rockwell (K)
9. Leybold Vacuum Systems (A)
10. Finnigan-MAT-U.S. (A)
11. Hewlett-Packard (A, R, K)
12. Dupont (A)
13. Eastman Kodak (R)
14. American Type Culture Collection (B)
15. Alcolac International (C)
16. Consarc (A)
17. Carl Zeiss--U.S. (K)
18. Cerberus (LTD) (A)
19. Electronic Associates (R)
20. International Computer Systems (A, R, K)
21. Bechtel (K)
22. EZ Logic Data Systems, Inc. (R)
23. Canberra Industries, Inc. (A)
24. Axel Electronics, Inc. (A)

A = nuclear weapon program
B = biological weapon program
C = chemical weapon program
R = rocket program
K = conventional weapons, military logistics, supplies at the Iraqi Ministry of Defense, and building of military plants

According to the German daily newspaper Die Tageszeitung, which identified this list as a since-deleted portion of Iraq's 11,000-page report to the U.N. Security Council.


20.8.2003 11:29

Comedia dell´arte americana aneb jak šel čas...

Pohodicka pohodicka (zavináč) sezanm (tečka) cz 195.?.?.?

Není nesnadné pochopit současný vývoj. Má hlubokou paralelu s dobou 1929-1940. Snahy jsou stejné, možná jde o světovládu, spíše však o zničení světa, protože cíle světovlády by šlo dosáhnout snáze a jinými cestami. Já si myslím, že aktéry jsou stekné lidé jako tehdy. Je zde však jedna okolnost: lidé jsou poučeni a události nejsou tak dávné, aby si je nepamatovali a na paralelu už dávno nepřišli. Nacisté vlastně prozradili plány současné americké vlády.


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