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Zbláznil se Bush?
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5.6.2004 2:46
Zbláznil se Bush?
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?
A neni sam v tech vykyvech.
US Jews compare Howard to Bradman
10:01 AEST Sat Jun 5 2004
Prime Minister John Howard has been labelled the Don Bradman of Australian politics during his visit to the United States.
The compliment came from America's Jewish community as Mr Howard was presented with its highest honour in Washington.
Mr Howard received the American Liberty Medallion for being a staunch ally of the US and Israel.
American Jewish committee chairman Bob Goodkind said Mr Howard had championed democracy and human rights during his 30 years in parliament.
"He's a leader of integrity and resolve," Mr Goodkind said.
"He is the Don Bradman of Australian politics."
Previous recipients of the medallion include Martin Luther King, former US president Lyndon Baines Johnson, former Czech leader Vaclav Havel, former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger and King Hussein of Jordan.
Jak snadne je vladnout krestanum,dame jim medaili a oni udelaji,co budem jen chtit,je jedno ,ze ve sve konstituci maji napsano,ze ten ,kdo slouzi cizi moci,musi byt zbaven uradu a po zasluze potrestan,pan Howard vedel o muceni veznu aje za to nalezite,za mlceni,ovsem ,odmenen.Vsichni dole jmenovani maji jednu spolecnou vlastnost.
5.6.2004 4:49
Zbláznil se Bush?
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?
The transatlantic power élite's secretive Bilderberg conferences & state terrorism research - from Bristol, England
"...somebody has to take governments' place, and business seems to me to be a logical entity to do it." - David Rockefeller - Newsweek International, Feb 1 1999.
"Fascism should rightly be called corporatism, as it is the merger of state and corporate power" - Benito Mussolini
"...the world is governed by very different personages to what is imagined by those who are not themselves behind the scenes." - Benjamin Disraeli - British PM - 'Coningsby' pub. 1844
"The Treaty of Rome, which brought the Common Market into being, was nurtured at Bilderberg meetings." George McGhee, former US Ambassador to West Germany
"I don't think it's true to say that we want to keep it [Bilderberg] out [of the public consciousness], we never wanted to get it in. We don't encourage people to mention it in the mainstream press because we don't encourage idle speculation about what we do. ...... We forbid individual attendees from giving press meetings at our conferences, and we do that not because we're secrecy mad, but because we want to control the politicians who come." Martin Taylor - Secretary General, Bilderberg - interviewed by Jon Ronson for the UK Channel 4 TV programme 'Secret Rulers of the World' transmitted 27Jun01
"There are powers at work in this country about which we have no knowledge'. H. M. Queen Elizabeth II (in conversation with royal butler Paul Burrell) Daily Mirror
Definition of a Power Elite: 'A group of men, similar in interest and outlook, shaping events from invulnerable positions behind the scenes.' C. Wright Mills 'The Power Elite'
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison, which alienates their possessor from the community" Carl Jung: 'Modern Man in Search of a Soul'
"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist." President Eisenhower - farewell address to the nation - Jan 16th 1961
"What luck for rulers that men do not think" - Adolf Hitler
"The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than a small one" Adolf Hitler: 'Mein Kampf'
"Their motivation is, that the elite shall be able to act in secrecy. It is not because they are evil, but because they believe in what they are doing. International capital wants to remove all obstacles to globalisation - and all obstacles to the right of capital to act freely without constrictions such as regard for the environment, social responsibility or human rights. Demands from local democracies are such obstacles." Birger Schlaug, Swedish Green party
"Globalisation is the new Totalitarianism" - Vandana Shiva,
NEF Peoples' Summit, Birmingham 1998
5.6.2004 5:25
Zbláznil se Bush?
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?
George W. Bush: Getting His Orders at Bilderberg?
Conspiracy Planet - 13 hours ago
US President George W. Bush's trip to Italy coincides neatly and quite conveniently
with the annual meeting of the ...
Guess who's at super-secret Bilderberg meeting today
Italy hosts 50th-anniversary confab of mysterious society of world leaders
Posted: June 4, 2004 1:00 a.m. Eastern
The 50th anniversary conference of the elite Bilderberg group – which many believe conspires semi-annually to foster global government – is under way in Stresa, Italy.
The conference, which began yesterday and will run through Sunday, is being hosted at the Grand Hotel des Iles Borromees.
Since 1953, the Bilderberg group has convened government, business, academic and journalistic representatives from the U.S., Canada and Europe with the express purpose of exploring the future of the North Atlantic community.
Docetl jsem tenhle clanek a jedu dolu ke komentarum. Hned prvni veta v komentari mi dala nepochybne vedet koho ten komentar je.
Sakra, tomu cloveku tenhle artikl padl do noty!!
Hned vlozil 3 responses za sebou !
6.6.2004 4:40
Zbláznil se Bush?
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?
Bush leti na oslavy hrdinu v D-day,ale jeho vlastni zaznam hrdinstvi,jaksi zmizel ze statniho erchivu.
---------------Nejdrive ,je si treba uvedomit zasadni poucku ,proc ,jsou valky a k cemu slouzi ,tak zvani "hrdinove".
V 1 cervenci,v roce 1880 napsal zidovsky rabbin Reichor in le Contemporain tyto slova: We shall drive the Christians into war by exploding their national vanity and stupility,they will them massacre ench other,this giving room for our own people.
6. Cervna ,1944 se vylodila spojenecka vojska v Normandii v tak zvane ,operaci OVERLORD ,ktera se pripravovala dlouhou dobu, na 135.000 vojaku a na 20 000 vozidel vseho druhu zamirilo z Anglie k brehum Francie, 4300 namornich lodi vseho druhu ostrelovalo pobrezi podel plazi Utah,Omaha,Gold,Juno a Sword,jak si to oznacili v planech.Propagandiste volali ,nebojujem proti Nemcum,ale bojujem proti nacistum.Jak, muzeme posoudit slova rabbina Reichor,jen v Holansku je hrbitov s 8.302 padlymi z USA,Kanady,Anglie a i dokonce z Mexika,kolik ,jich zustalo desetitisicu vojaku na plazich Normandie,kde nahrobni kameny maji jen 17 hrobu oznacenych "Davidovou hvezdou".Jdete hrbitovem a myslete ,nejen na slova rabbinova ,ale i na slova polskeho marsala Rydz-Smigly, jez byla vytisknuta v The Daily Mail , Anglii v 6-tem srpnu 1939,kdy reklolsko chce valku s Nemeckem a Nemecko nebude mit tu moznost se ji vyhnout i kdyby chtelo!
Kde, je usili Rudolfa Hesse ,ktery riskoval svuj zivot a seskocil v kvetnu do Skotska ,aby zabranil valce a jako mirovy posel ,nikdy nesmel opustit vezenske zdi,nebot politici chteli valku,ti samy ,kteri ,dnes chteji valku a delaji valku,ackoliv ,takovy spis o Bushovi se ztratil,aby nevyslo na jevo,ze sveho casu ve Vietnamu dessertoval od sve jednotky.
Presny zaznam z dokumentu:"29 September 1972-part 6*Verbal orders ofthe Comdr on 1 Aug 72 suspending 1STLT GEORGE W BUSH," tak ,tento clovek bude mluvit o hrdinech,tak ,jak Clinton,ktery pred odvodem do Vietnamu utekl z Ameriky.
Francie ,vitala napisy,jak tvrdi historikove,plne nadseni o osvobozeni- (tak,jak meli vitat v Bagdadu-),ale toto osvobozeni prislo draho francousky lid ,na 590 000 tun bomb padlo na francouske vesnice a mesta,coz bylo videno na 1 000 000 trosek domu v Caen,Sain-Lo.Carentan,Montbourg a Valgnes, Prvni bombardovani "spojenci" v5 breznu 1942 zazila Pariz,kde bylo na 600 obeti , jak ,tam budou slavit tento den i s temi,kteri pamatuji prichod vitezu aza mesic ,co jen bylo hlaseno meli na 500 pripadu znasilneni ,zejmena cernymi vojaky,kteri si pred tim "uzivali" v Britanii,coz byl prvni velky utok na "bilou rasu",jejiz nasledky vidime dnes v cele Evrope.dnes v Amsterdamu a jinde maji v porodnicich vic BAREVNYCH ,NEZ BILYCH ZEN a dnesni evropske staty maji mizivou porodnost a "bila civilisace " je na vymreni,to je take ukazatel,jak vitezne jsme pochodili vramci svetoveho hnuti. Konec valky ,mel prinest mir a mame jej?
V teto valce se nicili navzajem ,dve bile civilisace ,jez vedli Evropu,byl to doslova bratrovrazebny boj,tak ,jak nam naznacil ,rabbin a vysledkem je ,ze dnes zide z Washingtonu oKráceno (Editor)
co tri Petre veliky, ja uz vidim ctyri a ten posledni je kracen editorem. No nekdy se panu Stworovi divim, ze si necha jeho webzin tak zavsivit...no urcite ma svuj duvod.
No nekdy se panu Stworovi divim, ze si necha jeho webzin tak zavsivit mnou, Dr. Vcelickou...no urcite ma svuj duvod.
Vcelicka jen popichuje
Nezda se vam ze najednou moc informaci "unika" z Bileho domu? Opravdu vsemu muzeme verit? Rozhodne ne tomu ze ho nikto nesmi kritizovat, predse staci se koukat na ruzne kanale v tv a uvidite ze ho spousta lidi a politiku kritizuje ( a jeste se jim nic nestalo).
7.6.2004 5:07
Zbláznil se Bush?
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?
Panove,kdybyste radeji nechali tech neplodnych tahanic ,ktere naprosto nejsou k nicemu a kdybyste radeji spojili sve sily k tomu ,abychom se vsichni ,jak prispevatele ,tak ctenari dopracovali k jadru veci-k pravde,nebylo by to tak lepsi a prospelo by to i snaze a hlavni myslence ,kterou nam pan Stwora nabizi.Hledejme a studujme mezis tovkami zprav a clanku vseho druhu a prispevku jinych lidi na jinych forech, "kde lezi ten zakopany pes?"
Cele roky jsme museli drzet h.... a tak ted ,kdyz mame primo ojedinelou moznost se nekam dostat ,tak marime cas na volovinach,uznejte samy ,neni to skoda?
Dnes ,svet bezi uplne na jinych zakladech ,nez je nam predkladano v mediich a nebo dano ,jak polopravda aby nas zblbli a proto prehlizejme provokatery a venujme se vazne sve praci,davejme cas na konstruktivni veci ,co primo souvisi s nasimi zivoty a zivoty pristich generaci,prece nechcete jen tak lehce zit bez zotpovednosti a zanechat za sebou "jen kupku hnoje".V Americe se deji zahadne veci ,mnohe nevime protoze nejdou do tisku,ale spojeni s lidmi zijici v Americe mame,sledujme jejich lokalni tisk,tam se casem obevi ,co hlavni listy nepisi,dulezite je jit a hledat ve statnich archivech a jinde.
Na reportaz a nebo historicky dokument nepotrebujem doktorat,my samy ,pokud budem chtit si cestu k pravde najdeme,vyuzijme toho!!!!
Cele roky jsme v komunistickem systemu byli drzeni jak "Olomoucke syrecky " pod poklopem a nic jsme mimo uspechu velkeho bratra nesmeli vedet,ted je cas se samovzdelavanim dohnat o co jsme byli okradeni,vyhrnme si rukavy,nechme planych reci a chopme se "literarni lopaty" at pridame neco na vic te vysnene humanite.
Uvazujte chvilku o vecech kolem nas.
Stara klasicka volebna kampan. Nic nove pod slnkom. Pravda a loz v mixeri. Najucinnejsi koktail na volicov.
8.6.2004 5:42
Zbláznil se Bush?
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?
Bush ,se nezblaznil,Bush jen pokracuje v tom,co uz dlouhou dobu provadeji ve sve zahranicni politice,kde pomoci CIA ,terroru se snazi ovladat svet.
• “[In 1944,] During U.S.-British negotiations over the control of Middle Eastern oil, President Roosevelt sketches out a map of the Middle East and tells the British Ambassador, ‘Persian oil is yours. We share the oil of Iraq and Kuwait. As for Saudi Arabian oil, it's ours.’”-- Revolutionary Worker #1125, Timeline of Empire, 11/4/01
• “How many people know, for example, that Iran had a democratically elected government until the U.S. and British governments engineered a coup to install the tyrannical Shah of Iran in 1953?”-- Harry Browne, Libertarian Party presidential candidate in 1996 and 2000, 4/9/04
• “1978: As the Iranian revolution begins against the hated Shah, the U.S. continues to support him ‘without reservation’ and urges him to act forcefully against the masses….. On September 8, 10,000 anti-Shah demonstrators are massacred at Teheran's Jaleh Square.”-- Revolutionary Worker #1125, Timeline of Empire, 11/4/01
• “It is during the 1980s in Afghanistan that [Osama] bin Laden and many other radical Muslims receive reconnaissance, arms, explosives and guerilla tactics directly from CIA operatives. It is blatantly obvious that not only did the CIA bring together, organize and train radical Muslims to fight Communism but inadvertently provided the blueprint from which bin Laden formed Al-Qaeda.”-- Kristin M. Thomas, Capital City Free Press, 5/04
• “The real damage the C.I.A. did was not the providing of arms and money, but the privatization of information about how to produce and spread violence — the formation of private militias — capable of creating terror.”-- Mahmood Mamdani, political scientist and cultural anthropologist at Columbia University, quoted in NYTimes , 4/10/04
• “September 22, 1980: Iraq invades Iran with tacit U.S. support, starting a bloody eight-year war. The U.S. supports both sides in the war providing arms to Iran and money, intelligence and political support to Iraq in order to prolong the war and weaken both sides, while trying to draw both countries into the U.S. orbit.”-- Revolutionary Worker #1125, Timeline of Empire, 11/4/01
• “1988: The Iraqi regime launches mass poison-gas attacks on Kurds, killing thousands and bulldozing many villages. The U.S. responds by increasing its support for the Iraqi regime.” --Revolutionary Worker #1125, Timeline of Empire, 11/4/01
• “I think this is a very hard choice, but the price -- we think the price is worth it.”-- U.S. Secretary of State Madeline Albright, when asked about the death of 500,000 Iraqi children due to sanctions, 60 Minutes, 5/11/96
• “We'll be rid of [Saddam] soon enough. And in his place we'll install a pro-western dictator, who will be good for you and good for us.”-- Rep. Tom Lantos Kráceno (Editor)
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