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Američané konečně našli zbraně hromadného ničení
Příspěvků 16
treba to balo tak ze pentagonu po valce nezbyly prachy na to aby dopravil zasoby ze USA so Iraku a tak je nasel tam kde je nasel
Kdo konkretne je nasel a kdo prisel na to, ze to jsou ZHN? Jak se k tomu dostal tisk?
28.5.2003 23:50
Američané konečně našli zbraně hromadného ničení
Petr Rehak rehakp (zavináč) email (tečka) cz 160.?.?.?
Ted uz jenom staci nalezt ampulky se SARS
29.5.2003 4:01
Američané konečně našli zbraně hromadného ničení
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 203.?.?.?
Hledaji to ,co samo dodali ,kdyz jdete na odtajnene dokumenty USA ,tak najdete dodavatelske dokumenty na transport vsech moznych bakterii ,jez byly dodany do Bagdadu satnim departmentem,ktere jsou ovsem oznacene "confidental" a jsou datovane z 11.29.93 a najdete je vsechny na http://www.gwu.edu/-nsarchiv/
takze ,nejvetsim tajemstvim je,ze vlada Ameriky podporovali Saddam Husejna,proto take v Bagdadu koukali sebrat vsechny dokumenty ,ktere by jim nekdo mohl omlatit o hlavu.Britove nejsou na tom o nic lepe ,kdyz i jejich BBC predvedlo program jak Anglo-danska spolecnost zcela legalne se souhlasem britske vlady prodavali antrax do Iraku,tak ,jakepak hledani,zatimco Erik Batler hledal vsude po Iraku ,tak stacilo poslouchat BBC a vysledek by se zajiste dostavil v kratke dobe,takhle i najite ,muze byt dodane samotnymi dodavateli daleko po "vitezstvi" a znovu obevene,nebyl by to prvni ani posledni pripad,kdyz cela tajna sluzba CIA dodala falesne dokumenty bezpecnostni komisi Spojenych Narodu.
A jen houst, a vetsi kapky! Snad se nekteri gojimi probudi, dokud je jeste cas ...
No Bunker where U.S. Bombs Targeted Saddam-CBS
Wed May 28, 8:39 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Baghdad bunker which the United States said it bombed on the opening night of the Iraq (news - web sites) war in a bid to kill Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) never existed, CBS Evening News reported Wednesday.
The network quoted a U.S. Army colonel in charge of inspecting key sites in Baghdad as saying no trace of a bunker or of bodies had been found at the site on the southern outskirts of the Iraqi capital, known as Dora Farms.
"When we came out here, the primary thing they were looking for was an underground facility, or bodies, forensics, and basically, what they saw was giant holes created. No underground facilities, no bodies," Col. Tim Madere said.
CBS, saying it was the first news organization to visit the site, reported that the CIA (news - web sites) had searched it once and Col. Madere had searched it twice as part of efforts to find traces of DNA that could indicate if Saddam or his sons had been killed or wounded.
The network said the main palace in the compound remained standing despite the surrounding destruction. It quoted Madere as saying anyone who had been in the building could have survived the raid.
Shortly after the attack, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told reporters: "There's no question but that the strike on that leadership headquarters was successful. We have photographs of what took place. The question is, what was in there?"
The United States effectively acknowledged that the March 20 raid failed to kill Saddam when it launched a second air attack aimed at the Iraqi president on April 7.
The fate of Saddam and his sons Uday and Qusay is still unclear.
Rumsfeld said earlier this month, "If you don't have evidence he's dead, you've probably got to assume he's alive."
No a co ???? Nevim co tim clankem jsi chtel rict ??? Duuuuuuuuuh
30.5.2003 4:33
Američané konečně našli zbraně hromadného ničení
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 203.?.?.?
Jakoby nahodou se nam zjevil po mem poslednim clanku o zbranich hromadneho niceni sam "velky" "Donald"-stein, Rumsfeld a velice informovanym hlasem zdelil pritomnym novinarum ,ze je jist,ze Saddam mel zbrane hromadneho niceni,mezi nami ,prece nemohl rici,ja to presne vim ,kdyz jsme mu to posilali a jeste mame uctenku za postovne-takze,Rumsfeld,rekl, nic jsme nenasli,ale to je tim ,ze Saddam nechal vsechno znicit pred nasim "osvobozenim".Jinymi slovy,ten chlap nam to udelal naschval ,aby mohl ocernit Ameriku v ocich svetove verejnosti a tak znesvetit nase osvobozeni.Osobne si myslim ,ze Amerika nemohla najit vetsiho lhare-steina,a saska pred TV obrazovkami a ve sve super posici nas bude nutit uverit vsemu i tem nejvetsim lzim ,jen ,aby zastinil ,ze cela ta invase-osvobozeni,byl akt statnihi terrorismu proti suverennizemi a ted si to nechali potvrdit i od UN ,ktere nikdy na tom s moralkou nebylo dobre ,ale ted se uplne zkompromitovalo a dalo nasilnikum punc legality k provadeni nasilnych cinu po svete,pan Rumsfelt ,ted urcite bude hledat,ale to je jedno ,co uz,ze ano, v Iranu a potom v Syrii a mozna i pozdeji v Cine ,az do te doby dokud nenajdou neco doma v Americe ,co jim tam nekdo hodi na hlavu!!!!!!!
Nebot ten ,co se chce prat,byva take nekdy bit!!!!! a ,nikomu neroste slava ,az do nebe!!!
30.5.2003 11:29
Američané konečně našli zbraně hromadného ničení
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 203.?.?.?
Zabijeni lidi pro nic a za nic!!!!
Rumsfeld Concedes Banned Iraqi Weapons May Not Exist
By Rupert Cornwell
The Independent
Thursday 29 May 2003
After seven weeks of fruitless search, the Bush administration has come the closest so far to conceding that, contrary to its pre-invasion scaremongering, there may not have been any chemical or biological weapons in Iraq.
Several US military officers involved in the hunt in Iraq have raised the possibility that the illegal arms might have been destroyed, but the official line in Washington has been that Saddam Hussein had artfully hidden them, and sooner or later they would be found.
But now, Donald Rumsfeld, the Defence Secretary and one of the leading hawks on Iraq, has admitted that the weapons may not exist. "We don't know what happened," he told the Council of Foreign Relations in New York. "It is also possible that [Saddam's government] decided they would destroy them prior to a conflict."
What Mr Rumsfeld did not discuss was when the weapons might have been destroyed - immediately before the war, or long beforehand (as suggested by Iraqi defectors, who said as long ago as 1995 that they had been destroyed). Experts also doubt that, in the past few weeks or months, Iraq could have got rid of chemical and germ warfare stockpiles of the size alleged by Bush officials, without it being picked up by US and British intelligence.
Pentagon officials insist that Mr Rumsfeld broke no new ground and say that interrogations of senior Baathist officials and scientists will lead to the weapons' whereabouts. But his remarks may fuel the debate on whether the American public was sold the war on a false premise. As post-war reconstruction falters and US soldiers continue to die (four in recent days) at the hands of snipers and ambushers, questions are starting to be asked.30 January, 2002. George Bush: "The Iraqi regime has plotted to develop anthrax and nerve gas and nuclear weapons for over a decade ... This is a regime that has something to hide from the civilised world. States like these, and their terrorist allies, constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world."
State of the Union address
24 September, 2002. Tony Blair: "I have been increasingly alarmed by the evidence from inside Iraq that ... despite his denials, Saddam Hussein is continuing to develop weapons of mass destruction, and with them the ability to inflict real damage upon the region, and the stability of the world."
Foreword to 'Iraq's weapons of Mass Destruction: The Assessment of the British government'
8 November, 2002. George Bush: "If Iraq fails to fully comply, the United States and other nations will disarm Saddam Hussein."
On the UN Security Council backing resolution 1441
8 November, 2002. Tony Blair: "Conflict is not inevitable, but disarmament is ... everyone now accepts that if there is a default by Saddam the international community must act to enforce its wi
30.5.2003 11:47
Američané konečně našli zbraně hromadného ničení
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 203.?.?.?
Jeste, se dockame casu ,ze lide si reknou ,ze Hitler byl oproti temhle gansterum gantlemen,Wolfowitz priznal,ze pohadka o zbarnich hromadneho niceni byl podvod na svetovou verejnost a dal tak duvod k zabijeni lidi!!!!
WMD just a convenient excuse for war, admits Wolfowitz
By David Usborne
30 May 2003
The Bush administration focused on alleged weapons of mass destruction as the primary justification for toppling Saddam Hussein by force because it was politically convenient, a top-level official at the Pentagon has acknowledged.
The extraordinary admission comes in an interview with Paul Wolfowitz, the Deputy Defence Secretary, in the July issue of the magazine Vanity Fair.
Mr Wolfowitz also discloses that there was one justification that was "almost unnoticed but huge". That was the prospect of the United States being able to withdraw all of its forces from Saudi Arabia once the threat of Saddam had been removed. Since the taking of Baghdad, Washington has said that it is taking its troops out of the kingdom. "Just lifting that burden from the Saudis is itself going to the door" towards making progress elsewhere in achieving Middle East peace, Mr Wolfowitz said. The presence of the US military in Saudi Arabia has been one of the main grievances of al-Qa'ida and other terrorist groups.
"For bureaucratic reasons we settled on one issue, weapons of mass destruction, because it was the one reason everyone could agree on," Mr Wolfowitz tells the magazine.
The comments suggest that, even for the US administration, the logic that was presented for going to war may have been an empty shell. They come to light, moreover, just two days after Mr Wolfowitz's immediate boss, Donald Rumsfeld, the Defence Secretary, conceded for the first time that the arms might never be found.
The failure to find a single example of the weapons that London and Washington said were inside Iraq only makes the embarrassment more acute. Voices are increasingly being raised in the US and Britain demanding an explanation for why nothing has been found.
Most striking is the fact that these latest remarks come from Mr Wolfowitz, recognised widely as the leader of the hawks' camp in Washington most responsible for urging President George Bush to use military might in Iraq. The magazine article reveals that Mr Wolfowitz was even pushing Mr Bush to attack Iraq immediately after the 11 September attacks in the US, instead of invading Afghanistan.
There have long been suspicions that Mr Wolfowitz has essentially been running a shadow administration out of his Pentagon office, ensuring that the right-wing views of himself and his followers find their way into the practice of American foreign policy. He is best known as the author of the policy of first-strike pre-emption in world affairs that was adopted by Mr Bush shortly after the al-Qa'ida attacks
Sem zvedavy co si vymysli priste ze vatykan vyrabi jadernou bobu? nebo ze Lucembursko zbroji na III. svetovou? Stejne jako v Jugosce vyprovokavali konflikt aby rozbyli co mohly.
Nejvetsi teroristi sedej v Bilim domne!
1.6.2003 21:46
RE: Američané konečně našli zbraně hromadného ničení
mateji brodsky (zavináč) shaw (tečka) ca 24.?.?.?
Reakce na 14529
Vatikan ma uz dve atomove bomby. Jedna ja namirena na Moskvu a
druha na Washington. Papezovi se ale moc trepou ruce, tak ten kufrik nosi jeho prvni svycarsky guard.
Svet uz si neni nicim jisty.
3.6.2003 1:46
Američané konečně našli zbraně hromadného ničení
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 203.?.?.?
The lies that led us into war ...
Glen Rangwala shows how the UK and the US manipulated UN reports - and conjured an anthrax dump from thin air
The Independent, London, 01 June 2003, page 2
One key tactic of the British and United States governments in their campaign on Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction was to talk up suspicions and to portray possibility as fact. The clearest example was the quotation and misquotation of the reports of United Nations weapons inspectors.
Iraq claimed it had destroyed all its prohibited weapons, either unilaterally or in co-operation with the inspectors, between 1991 and 1994. Although the inspectors were able to verify that unilateral destruction took place on a large scale, they were not able to quantify the amounts destroyed.
For example, they were able to detect that anthrax growth media had been burnt and buried in bulk at a site next to the production facility at al-Hakam. There was no way - and there never will be - to tell from the soil samples the amount destroyed. As a result, UN inspectors recorded this material as unaccounted for: neither verified destroyed nor believed to still exist.
Translated into statements by the British and US governments, it became part of "stockpiles" that they claimed Iraq was hiding from the inspectors. Both governments knew UN inspectors had not found any nuclear, chemical or biological weapons in Iraq since at least 1994, aside from a dozen abandoned mustard shells, and that the vast majority of any weapons produced before 1991 would have degraded to the point of uselessness within 10 years.
Even the most high-profile defector from Iraq - Hussein Kamel, Saddam Hussein's son-in-law and director of Iraq's weapons programmes - told UN inspectors and British intelligence agencies in 1995 that Iraq had no more prohibited weapons. And yet Britain's dossier last September repeated the false claim that information "in the public domain from UN reports ... points clearly to Iraq's continuing possession, after 1991, of chemical and biological agents and weapons produced before the Gulf War".
There is no UN report after 1994 that claims that Iraq continued to possess weapons of mass destruction. This was well known in intelligence circles. That such a claim could appear in a purported intelligence document is a clear sign that the information was "pumped up" for political purposes, to support the case for an invasion.
The Government began to resort to more direct misquotation in the immediate prelude to war, with UN chief inspector Hans Blix reporting on 7 March that Iraq was taking "numerous initiatives ... with a view to resolving long-standing open disarmament issues", and that this "can be seen as 'active', or even 'proactive' co-operation".
In response, Mr Blair and Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, seized on the Unmovic working document of 6 March entitled "Unresolved Disarmament Issues",about matters that are still unclear. Although Mr Blix acknowledged Iraqi efforts to resolve these questions, the Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary rKráceno (Editor)
3.6.2003 10:35
Američané konečně našli zbraně hromadného ničení
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 203.?.?.?
Kdyz CIA dodaji falesne dokumenty ,tak Americani jdou do valky,tak ,jak pri Pearl Harbour ,tak pri Pisecne Bouri ,tak i tento rok v Iraku.Takze ,kdo vladne CIA,tak vladne americanum, otazka je ,kdo je hlavou CIA???
Where are Iraq’s WMDs?
By Evan Thomas, Richard Wolffe and Michael Isikoff
Sunday 01 June 2003
The message was plain: Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction made war unavoidable. So where are they? Inside the administration’s civil war over intel
June 9 issue — George Tenet, the director of Central Intelligence, was frustrated. For four days and nights last winter, some of the most astute intelligence analysts in the U.S. government sat around Tenet’s conference-room table in his wood-paneled office in Langley, Va., trying to prove that Saddam Hussein posed an imminent threat to America. The spooks were not having an easy time of it.
ON FEB. 5, Secretary of State Colin Powell was scheduled to go to the United Nations and make the case that Saddam possessed an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction. But the evidence was thin—sketchy and speculative, or uncorroborated, or just not credible. Finally, according to a government official who was there, Tenet leaned back in his chair and said, “Everyone thinks we’re Tom Cruise. We’re not. We can’t look into every bedroom and listen to every conversation. Hell, we can’t even listen to the new cell phones some of the terrorists are using.”
Tenet was being truthful. Spying can help win wars (think of the Allies’ cracking the Axis codes in World War II), but intelligence is more often an incomplete puzzle (think of Pearl Harbor). Honest spies appreciate their own limitations. Their political masters, however, often prefer the Hollywood version. They want certainty and omniscience, not hedges and ambiguity. Bush administration officials wanted to be able to say, for certain, that Saddam Hussein possessed stockpiles of chem-bio weapons; that he could make a nuclear bomb inside a year; that he was conspiring with Al Qaeda to attack America.
‘Why Rumsfeld Is Wrong’
Jest ještě v paměti arkansaských občanů případ, kdy byl šerif Meny obšťastněn obálkou s kulturou antraxu již v roce 1987? Jest ještě v paměti občanů Meny, proč se tak stalo a jak dalece to souviselo se jmény Bush, Casey, Weinberger a dalšími... K moci se deroucí nomenklatura se pokoušela tyto skutečnosti vynést na světlo již v roce 1997, jako prostředek politické diskreditace Billa Clintona, leč když se ukázalo, že posledně jmenovaný je ze všech zainteresovaných nejméně vinen v souvislosti s neukončenou kausou, vše bylo opět zahráno do autu. Příliš by se totiž namočili tehdejší byrokraté CIA a guvernér Texasu...
7.8.2003 13:31
Američané konečně našli zbraně hromadného ničení
Lucia lucyhvizd (zavináč) yahoo (tečka) co (tečka) uk 195.?.?.?
... je vsak rozdiel, ak tieto zbrane vlastni policajny stat na cele s Husajnom. Ak by ZHN / chemicke, biologicke, atd. / nevlastnilo v zaujme bezpecnosti minimalne niekolko zapadnych krajin, nebolo by mozne viest vojnu proti terorizmu... Nevlastnit nijake zbrane by bolo prinajmensom idealisticke.
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