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„Velký Blízký východ“ a „Velký Izrael“ – druhá část

Příspěvků 7

11.10.2011 5:33

Zakladni chyba ,kterou Spojene Staty prohlubuji cim dal ,tim vice.

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 59.?.?.?

Israel je umele, terrorismem vytvoreny stat, jez byl vytvoren bez jakekoliv rozpravy s Palestinci, tou dobou bezela propaganda zionistu ,ze je to zeme bez lidi,ackoliv v tomto miste byli ,tak zvani zide zastoupeni z pocatku jen 15-18% oproti domorodemu obyvatelstvu, ktere s zidy-co by pozustaky biblickych zidu hovorici staroiracanskou reci nemelo naprosto nic spolecneho s privandrovalci ze vsech koncin sveta jez hovorili zidovstinou a pozdeji prijmuli hebrejstinu,aby se prispusobyli legende o biblickych zidech.Takze UN by mel odstranit to,co bylo bez souhlasu domaciho obyvatelstva vytvoreno,jak by bylo Britum,kdyby jim nekdo dodal zcela cizi lidi doprostred britanie s tim ,ze tam vytvori novy stat.Musime vedet z historie ,ze nez zionisti pozadovali palestinu,tak jinych castech sveta se snazili utvorit "Israel" v Texasu, v Ugande, 10% nemeckeho uzemi, zidovska autonomni republika,ktera trva dodnes a v mnoha jinych zemich,sveho casu i na Madagaskaru s pomoci polaku a francouzu.
Part II
Modern Jews are essentially divided into two major categories, ethnically and culturally: Sephardim and Ashkenazim.

The former are primarily of Spanish origin; the name Sephardim being derived from Sepharad, the Hebrew word for Spain, and are likely the closest to actual Semitic Jews that can be established. They were expelled from Spain toward the beginning of the sixteenth century and immigrated to the eastern Mediterranean and Balkans.
Takze, dnesni Israelci jsou byvaly Chazarove,prislusnosti k mongolsko-tureckym kmenum, pravych zidu,biblickych je jen 2%, takze i dalsi tah Spojenych Narodu bude zase omylem ,jako v roce 1947 a povede jen k dalsimu krve proliti.Israel satlerozsiruje svoje uzemi a zcela ignoruje jakekoliv resoluce Spojenych Narodu,a i Zenevskou konvenci a jine,tak,jak byl v Durma oznacen za stat rasisticky.Problem resit na zaklade falesneho rozhodnuti nemuze byt vyresen nikdy a byrokraticka instituce nikdy neprizna svuj zasadni omyl, nakonec i Arrial Sheron priznal,ze pravy semite jsou Palestinci,ale ,to na veci nic nemeni,postoj Israelu je stejny, kazdou valkou rozsiruje sve uzemi,nezakonne okupuje Golanske vysiny,jakozto okupuje i dva ostrovy Tiran a Sanafir v okraji Rudeho more.
Samotny zidovsky historik-spisovatel v knize 13-ty kmen popisuje dopodrobna "The Khazars were not descended from the Tribes," says Koestler, "but, as we have seen, they shared a certain cosmopolitanism and other social characteristics with their co-religionists."
This desire for a Jewish homeland echoed down the centuries and found expression again. "It was among Ashkenazi Jews," says the Encyclopedia Americana, "that the idea of political Zionism emerged, leading ultimately to the establishment of the state of Israel....In the late 1960s, Ashkenazi Jews numbered some 11 million, about 84 percent of the world Jewish population."
Proto i Bible rika;Ty tvrdiz zes zid,ale ty jim nejses!
Takze, jakypak antisemitismus,kdyz semity nejsou.


12.10.2011 7:02

RE: Zakladni chyba ,kterou Spojene Staty prohlubuji cim dal ,tim vice.

Satanist 50.?.?.?

Reakce na 254976

To je to co me na tom vsem nejvic sere! Lidi jsou erarem - napriklad ceskym nebo nemeckym nespravne narknuty z antisemitismu a honeny po soudech jen proto ze vyslovili verejne to vo cem vetsina lidi na svete pochybuje uz dekady. A nakonec se jeste ke vsemu zjisti, ze to i s tim jejich zidovstvim je hodne divny protoze chazari puvodem z Asie zadny semiti nejsou!


14.10.2011 6:29

RE: Zakladni chyba ,kterou Spojene Staty prohlubuji cim dal ,tim vice.

p. 125.?.?.?

Reakce na 254976

...podival bych se nejdrive kdo vladne britum , mam dojem ze to britove nejsou....


15.10.2011 3:54

RE: Zakladni chyba ,kterou Spojene Staty prohlubuji cim dal ,tim vice.

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 61.?.?.?

Reakce na 255142

Ten,kdo provozuje zakony statu a tvori je ,je pravym vladcem statu.
Sir John Balcombe, Lord Justice of Appeal (The Guardian (Manchester); 04/07/00; Sir Maurice Drake; p. 20)
Judah P. Benjamin, American exile, lawyer[61]
Herbert Bentwich,[62] lawyer and Zionist leader
Norman Bentwich,[63] lawyer and Attorney-General of Palestine; son of Herbert Bentwich
His Honour Gerald Butler, Q.C., judge (The Times (London); 13/06/00; Frances Gibb; p. Law. 3)
Alex Carlile, Baron Carlile of Berriew, Liberal Democrats: Jewish Chronicle
5/7/1996 p7: "The Liberal Democrats' sole Jewish MP, Alex Carlile"
25/6/1999 p10: "Alex Carlile is on his way back to Westminster as one of four Jews among the 36 working peers"
Arthur Cohen,[64] QC and politician
Lionel Cohen, Baron Cohen,[65] Lord of Appeal
Myrella Cohen [79], prominent Judge, QC and agunah campaigner
Lawrence Collins, Baron Collins of Mapesbury,[66] Justice of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom
Hazel Cosgrove, Lady Cosgrove [80], Scottish Queen's Counsel and sheriff
David Daube, Professor of Law (JYB 1995, p193)
Sir Morris Finer, judge
Dame Hazel Genn (JYB 2005 p215)
Sir Francis Henry Goldsmid [81], MP for Reading, first Jewish barrister (Q.C. 1858)
Sir David Lionel Goldsmid-Stern-Salomons [82], barrister
Peter Goldsmith, Baron Goldsmith [83], [84], Attorney General
Arthur Lehman Goodhart,[67] jurist
William Goodhart, Baron Goodhart,[68] human rights lawyer and politician (son of Arthur Goodhart)
Arnold Goodman, Baron Goodman,[69] solicitor
Brian Green [85] Q.C.
Alexis Grower, Prominent Entertainment Lawyer, Magrath & Co, London
Dame Rose Heilbron [86], Britain's first female Q.C., judge
Rosalyn Higgins, President of the International Court of Justice[70]
Rufus Isaacs, 1st Marquess of Reading [87], lawyer and politician
Sir George Jessel [88], Solicitor General for England and Wales, later Master of the Rolls
Anthony Julius [89], prominent Lawyer for Princess Diana, and against David Irving.
Sir Otto Kahn-Freund, Professor of Law (Dictionary of National Biography)
Neville Laski [90], judge
Hersch Lauterpacht [91]
Leone Levi, barrister and statistician: Jewish Encyclopedia, VIII, 34
George Henry Lewis [92], solicitor
Gavin Lightman [93], judge; son of Harold Lightman
Harold Lightman, barrister, father of Gavin Lightman and Stafford Lightman[71]
Alan Mocatta [94]: "Sir Alan Mocatta, Jewish"
Victor Mishcon, Baron Mishcon [95], solicitor.
David Neuberger, Baron Neuberger of Abbotsbury, Justice of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom; son of Albert Neuberger, brother of James Neuberger and Michael Neuberger, and brother-in-law of Julia Neuberger (Jewish Year Book 2005:212 & 214)
David Pearl,[72] judge
Nicholas Phillips, Baron Phillips of Worth Matravers,[73] President of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom
Sir Bernard Rix, Lord Justice of Appeal (2000-) (JYB 2005:212 & 214)
Bernard Rudden, emeritus Professor of Comparative Law, Oxford University
Leonard Sainer [96], solicitor and retailer
Fiona Shackleton S...Automaticky kráceno


15.10.2011 5:21

RE: Zakladni chyba ,kterou Spojene Staty prohlubuji cim dal ,tim vice.

Satanist 50.?.?.?

Reakce na 255190

At se to veme jak chce tak nezvratitelnym faktem zustane, ze jeden inteligentni pan kterej tenkrat chazary v bankach a u soudu pomahal pripravit vo flek tim ze eraru predlozil dlouhej seznam a jeste pro jistotu poradil jak je vodlifrovat po zeleznici aby uz lidu nemohly skodit to myslel s narodem dobre. Ten pan nebyl zadnej kriminalnik jak se nam chazari snazili nalhat v dejinach, ale byl to vopravdovej vlastenec!


15.10.2011 16:40

RE: Zakladni chyba ,kterou Spojene Staty prohlubuji cim dal ,tim vice.

dub 94.?.?.?

Reakce na 255194

žvaníte hovadiny. v těch vlacích odjeli obyčejný hospodský a vetešníci.
a na příkaz a v zájmu jejich elity, která se v žádném vlaku neobjevila. odsrali to jako vždycky zase jen obyčejný lidi, kteří o ničem nerozhodovali a ani nevěděli. starali se o živobytí, jako všichni ostatní. někteří z nich mohli být lidsky hajzlové, ale ti byli a jsou všude.
nebo jste snad zaregistroval, že by se ve vlaku objevil warburg, sachs nebo kdokoliv jinej, kdo to celý vymyslel, řídil a financoval?


11.10.2011 6:34

Sice to odbočuje od tématu, ale myslím, že by to mohlo tady někoho zajímat..

Arynia 212.?.?.?

..aneb FDA zase v akci..:/ http://www.wmmagazin.cz/view.php?cisloclanku=20110...


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