Připravované demonstrace proti násilí v Gaze v České republice a okolí

2.1.2009 Přišlo emailem Témata: Izrael 577 slov

Česká republika

Praha - pátek od 16 hod, sraz v ulici Pelleova v Praze 6

Brno – neděle 4.1.2009 ve 13 hod. na náměstí Svobody, pro více informaci sledujte web www.libertasnews.cz

Brno – pondělí 5.1.2009 v 17 hod. na náměstí Svobody, pro více informaci sledujte web www.libertasnews.cz


Bratislava – pátek . 1. 2009 na náměstí SNP v 15:30.


Vídeň – Pátek 2.1.2009 v 15:00 Albertina, in 1010 Wien, Albertinaplatz 1 – pro více informaci sledujte web www.alternativenews.org

Ostatní země


Dublin – sobota 3.1.2009 v 13:00 začátek na Central Bank Plaza kde bude projevy zahájen protestní pochod. Pro více informací sledujte web www.ipsc.ie

Cork – sobota 3.1.2009 v 13:00 doprovodná akce k protestu v Dublinu. Pro více informací sledujte web www.ipsc.ie

Velká Británie

Londýn – pátek 2.1.2009 v 14:00 Parliament Square, podrobnosti naleznete na webu stroppyblog.blogspot.com

Londýn – pátek 2.1.2009 2 - 4 pm. Outside the Egyptian Embassy, 26 South Street, London, W1K 1DW. Call for Egypt to open the border immediately.


Saturday 3 January 12 noon. Outside Lloyds TSB St Vincent Street then assemble for demo at Blytheswood Square 2pm


Saturday 3 January 12 noon. Foot of the Mound, Princes Street


Centre, opposite the Hippodrome, Tuesday - Friday 5.00 - 6.00 and Saturday 3.00 - 4.00.


Tuesday 30 December 12 to 1pm. outside Cardiff Market/ St John's Church, the Hayes

Wednesday 31 December New Year Vigil. Nye Bevan Statue, Queen Street


Tuesday 30 December 12 noon, Market Square


Tuesday 30 December 12 to 2pm, West Quay Entrance, High Street


Saturday 3 January 11am, Guildhall Square

Organised by Portsmouth Network for a Just Settlement of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, and Portsmouth Stop the War Coalition


Saturday 3 January, 11am. Queen Victoria Square

Austrálie a Novy Zéland


Confirmation is pending about another rally in support of Gaza in Sydney on Sunday, January 4. bližší informace na webu http://israels60thbirthday.com/gaza-action/

BRISBANE - Sat Jan 3, 2pm, Queens Park

MELBOURNE - Sun Jan 4, 2pm, State Library

AUCKLAND: Saturday 3rd Jan. 2pm Bottom of Queen Street.


Tuesday 6 January 2009

12:30pm – 1:30pm

Meet at Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade

195 Lambtom Quay, Wellington (cnr. Panama St). There will also be information stalls held in Central Wellington over the next week. See here for more details.

Severni Amerika

Washington, D.C.

Friday, January 9, 12:00PM

Lafayette Square and march to Upper Senate Park

Contact: National Association of Muslim Women, [email protected]


Saturday, January 3

12:00 noon - 2:00 pm

Westlake Park: 4th and Pine

Initiated by Voices of Palestine

Contact: general@voicesofpal estine.org

Los Angeles


Friday, January 9, 12:00PM

Lafayette Square and march to Upper Senate Park

Contact: National Association of Muslim Women, [email protected]

Columbia. Maryland

Saturday, January 17, 2009, 3:30PM

Howard County Central Library (Little Patuxent Pkwy and South Entrance Road)

Contact: Howard County Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation (HCCEIO), Joanne Heisel, [email protected]

Seattle, Washington

Saturday, January 3, 12:00 noon - 2:00 pm

Westlake Park: 4th and Pine

Initiated by Voices of Palestine

Contact: [email protected]

Lansing, Michigan

Friday, January 2, 12:00-1:00PM

In front of the State Capital Building, Michigan & Capital Aves.

Vigil for Peace

Contact: Michigan Peace Team, 517-484-3178,www.michiganpeaceteam.org


Friday, January 2, 2:30PM

Public Square in downtown Cleveland

Contact: Middle East Peace Forum, Beit Hanina, and others. 440-623-0492

Columbus, Ohio

Friday, January 2, 11:30am-12:30pm

Emergency Protest of Israel’s Massacre in Gaza

Ohio State House, (Broad St. & High St.), Downtown

Conatct: Wendy Ake at 614-595-8650 or [email protected]

Dallas, Texas

Friday, January 2, 2009, 3:30PM

Dallas Forth Worth Protest, Earl Cabell Federal Building, 1100 Commerce St

Contact: Suha Suleiman, [email protected]

Kansas City

Thursday, January 1, 2-5PM

MAS Freedom “Stop the massacre of Palestinians”

Country Club Plaza, 47th & Main

Manchester, Missouri

Thursday, January 1, 2009, 4:00PM-6:00PM

Protest on the corner of Grand and Lindell

Friday, January, 2, 2009, 4:00PM-6:00PM

Protest on Southwest corner of Brentwood Blvd , in front of the Galleria

Saturday, January 3, 2009, 10:30AM

Discussion of Next Steps, Mokabee Coffee House, 3606 Arsenal

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