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Domnělý teror - cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Příspěvků 41

8.8.2004 4:50

Domnělý teror – cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

delta.100 delta (tečka) 100 (zavináč) seznam (tečka) cz 193.?.?.?

[překvapení] Historie se opakuje...

Vsadím 50 dolarů proti hrsti fazolí, že s celým slavnám 11.zářím 2001 to bylo zrovna tak.
Ostatně, to co následovalo potom, mě o tom jenom přesvědčuje.
Zase zbytečně umírají nevinní lidé, aby si jiní, mocní, mohli namastit kapsu.
A v pozadí se chechtá pejzatý Žid,co tahá za provázky. [naštvaný]


8.8.2004 7:06

RE: Domnělý teror – cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Bramarbas bramarbas (zavináč) atlas (tečka) cz 62.?.?.?

Reakce na 31860

Vsadím totéž na to, že autor aplikuje svoji spikleneckou teorii dějin výlučně na zlé imperialisty (o židácích nemluvě!), zatímco pro spravedlivý boj proti nepřátelům tábora míru, socialismu a islamismu má pouze slova uznání!


8.8.2004 5:38

Domnělý teror – cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

albert 67.?.?.?

Proto dnesni gojimi, to co je podavane "oficialnimi" (zido)medii, to musi zbastit bez nejakych otazek.
Stejnym zpusobem, jako tomu bylo za staro zidobolshevismu:
"Zavri oci, otevri tlamu a spolkni. A vice se neptej. Jinak budes nepritelem naroda (dnes teroristou, antisemitou, rasistou, homophobem, a tak podobne)".
Historie se opakuje. Dnes ale s takovymi nasledky, ktere v budoucnosti nebudou mozne mirumilovne napravit.
Ten kdo ma oci aby videl, usi aby slysel, mozek aby premyslel - vi sam dobre.


8.8.2004 8:27

Domnělý teror – cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Rastislav Paluš palus (zavináč) tetras (tečka) sk 212.?.?.?

Al-kaida mi pripada ako dalsi pochod Spartaka na Rim. Neverim tomu, ze by to bola tak dokonale zorganizovana celosvetova teroristicka siet, ako sa nam to pokusaju nahovorit media. Ak nahodou uplne cela Al-Kaida nie je dielo Mossadu... A samotny Bin Ladin mi pripada ako bohaty chudacik, co nevie co od dobroty. Ak tiez nahodou neplni rozkazy zo zapadu...


8.8.2004 11:43

Domnělý teror – cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

trodas 82.?.?.?

Mno muze a nemusi byt. Bush treba neocekaval, ze i kdyz je zradi, ze to dojde tak daleko, rozhodne toho ale vyuzil na 101% [naštvaný]
Pridal valku s Irakem, aby dostal pod kontrolu 50% svetovych rezerv ropy a mh diktovat cenu a prodej ropy za dolary (a ne za eura, coz je pro emerickou ekonomiku klicove k preziti) ...mno a v neposledni rade si on a jeho firmy/kamaradicci namastili penize a deti jinych to zapaltili krvi, utrpenim a smrti.

Fakt skvely svet [naštvaný]

...jen nejak nevidim toho Zidaka na konci tech provazku - ja vidim soupereni belochu o money...??? Somebody can enlighten me? [zmaten]


9.8.2004 10:36

RE: Domnělý teror – cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

jarka 160.?.?.?

Reakce na 31875

Re: Fakt skvely svet...
A co rikam k zbytecne valce v Iraku, jsou v tom jen a jen penize, ale ne pro hladovejici cast sveta...Kolik nevinnych lidi a hlavne deti musi zbytecne zemrit, aby mocni sveta meli uz konecne dost????????


8.8.2004 12:22

Domnělý teror – cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

lendys 82.?.?.?

Hezký a rozumný začátek, poutavost sama, ale ke konci, nezlobte se na mě to hraničí se stejnou demagogií a snahou obelhat lidi jako se uvádí v textu, že byl Pearl harbor vyprovokovaný, že Vietnam nezaútočil, že ti a oni vlastně neměli stejně jako Spartakus jinou možnost...promiňte, ale vy vlastně omlouváte dokonané hrůzné činy [zmaten] Taháte se tu, kdo s tím začal, ale když už se boj rozroste, je jedno, kdo s tím začal, ale kdo oplácí - s odstupem let bude víc a víc těžší prokázat, jak vše vlastně bylo a přepisovat dějiny? Na to už je dost pozdě, ne?


9.8.2004 7:54

RE: Domnělý teror – cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

jarka jaj (tečka) kreising (zavináč) seznam (tečka) cz 160.?.?.?

Reakce na 31877

Re:...na to uz je pozde...

A zapomnel jste dodat kdo na to tehdy hlavne doplatil a kdo na ty " smejdoviny" doplaci dnes......


8.8.2004 18:15

Domnělý teror – cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

merc 213.?.?.?

jen takovy detail, jak se pise, ze New York Times 12.8.1941 napsal na stránce 13, že čas a místo útoku byly předem známy by melo to datum byt obracene a to 8.12.1941, protoze k utoku doslo 7.12.1941.


8.8.2004 18:48

RE: Domnělý teror – cesta k totalitě a válká

Vladimír Stwora editor (zavináč) zvedavec (tečka) org 69.?.?.?

Reakce na 31884

Díky, opravím. [smích]


14.8.2004 2:08

RE: Domnělý teror – cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

ja 63.?.?.?

Reakce na 31884

Datum je spravne. Nektery lidi se totiz nikdy nenaucili standartizaci, takze to muze 8.12.1941 nebo 12/8/41 ci 08-12-41.


9.8.2004 11:22

Domnělý teror – cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?

Politici a prumyslovy makleri muzou vse pouzit,jen ,aby mohli si nakapsovat dolary za valku.Kdyz se chtela Amerika dostat do prvni svetove valky,tak pouzili cestujici a lod Lusitanie,kterou v rozporu mezinarodnich norem nalozili strelivem pro Britanii,ackoliv se Amerika stavela ,jakoby neutralni stat a tak se cestovni lod stala valecnym plavidlem jez opustila 1 kvetna 1915 New Yorsky pristav na ceste do Irsak s 1257 pasazery,jez briska admiralita spolecne s americkou pouzili ,jako navnadu pro nemecke ponorky k pristi propagande o nemoralnosti a krutosti Nemcu.Dodnes se tato zhovadilost uci na skolach a na universitach a nikdo nerekne ,ze ,nemecke vyslanectvi uverejnilo verejnou vyhlasku pro cestujici v New Yorskych novinach o nebezpecnem nakladu,jez dela lod valecnym plavidlem,knihy a jine zaznamy byly casem dostraneny ,aby zustala jen lziva propaganda jez pomohla zbrojnimu prumyslu uvest narod do valky_tenkrate jeste nemeli domnele zbrane hromadneho niceni.Kapitan Lusitanie-Turner , dobre vedel ,co veze a tak lod o 31.550 tunach smerovala do oblasti valecne blokady ,bez doprovodne lodi,coz byl rovnez zamer Churchila v Britske admiralite. 7 Kvetna lod byla torpedovana s 1257 cestujicimi a 700 cleny posadky,utonulo na 584 Britskych a Kanadskych cestujicich,124 Americanu ale nejbolestnejsi byly ztraty deti ,z 90 deti se jich 59 utopilo,zde ,vidite ,jak mocni hrabouni hraji s lidskymi zivoty,39 nemluvnat jen 4 byli zachraneni. Lod se potopila za pouhych 18 minut ,co nasledoval dalsi vybuch po vybuchu torpeda explodovalo strelivo v utrobach lodi.Kolik se toho na svete zmenilo ,blokada Iraku ,ktera stala na 500 000 zivoty,o kterych se Madlenka Albrichtova vyjadrila velice vseobecne.Kolik deti zahynulo v bombardovani Iraku,v bombardovani Srbska a Kosova a jinde.Lidske ztraty vubec nezajimaji lidi jedici stribrnymi lzickami,ty jen zajima ,jak roste konto v bance a stale pouzivaji ,jednoho a toho sameho triku,ktery jim vzdy vyjde ,oblbnout lidi za pomoci politiku a medii.


9.8.2004 11:51

RE: Domnělý teror – cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Jarka 160.?.?.?

Reakce na 31906

Re:..jak mocni hrabouni hraji s lidskymi zivoty...
Hruzostrasna pravda, kterou jsem neznala..A co porad pisu, rikam vsude i na techto strankach...jsou to jen a jen penize mocnych lidi tohoto sveta, at se stalo cokoliv nemoralniho, vzdycky za tim nekdo byl...Da se vubec ukoncit takovato "hra" s lidskymi zivoty?? Nestaci lidstvu nevylecitelne choroby a choroby stale nove a novejsi...? Nezahravame si se ztratou cele lidske populace..??


9.8.2004 16:13

RE: Domnělý teror – cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Lev 68.?.?.?

Reakce na 31908

Souhlasim s Vami pani Jarko. Je zvlasti v lidske rase, ze na jedne strane je "boj" o lidske zivoty, prirodni katastrofy a ruzne jine nehody, vcetne nasazeni lidskych zivotu i pri zachrane zvirat a na strane druhe, pri vyvolanych valecnych konfliktech, vcetne okupace a domaciho odboje ( Irak, Palestina ), padaji zivoty, jako domecky z karet, ale to svetavladce nezajima. Mohli by to snad nazvat, ze to je - "prirodni" rovnovaha.


9.8.2004 21:48

Domnělý teror – cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Pisatel si přeje zůstat v anonymitě 65.?.?.?

Muze nekdo napsat kdo jsu Ti kdo "ridi" svet?


10.8.2004 9:49

RE: Domnělý teror – cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Jarka 160.?.?.?

Reakce na 31917

Re:..kdo jsou ti, co ridi svet..
Ano, jsou to mocipani s tucnymi konty v bankach a ve vysokych, statnich funkcich..Nejsem komunistka a nikdy jsem nebyla a konta jim nezavidim, jen bych si prala pro svoje deti a deti celeho sveta klid a mir a plny talir a nejaky ten haderek na sebe a dobrou skolu a stastnou mamu!!A pro tatu praci!
Je to opravdu velke prani??
Odpovim si sama, ano je...a je nesplnitelne, bohuzel.....


19.8.2004 22:09

RE: Domnělý teror – cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Mech jpetry (zavináč) post (tečka) cz 213.?.?.?

Reakce na 31917

nebo přímo ke zdroji:

[překvapení] ?


9.8.2004 22:40

Domnělý teror – cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Vladimir Pospisil 199.?.?.?

Ze vsech tech prizpevku me je na bliti.. copak jste tim komunizmem tak zblbli a naivni , ze nevidite ze nejde o domely terror ale o skutecnou zachovu western civilization. (v ktere vetsina nas zije a take vetisna znas by nemenila za jakoukoli jonou ) !!!


10.8.2004 3:36

RE: Domnělý teror – cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Lev 68.?.?.?

Reakce na 31920

Pane Pospisil, jako "clovek", znite dost sobecky.


1.4.2005 20:15

RE: Domnělý teror – cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Lucie lucie (tečka) selingerova (zavináč) seznam (tečka) cz 194.?.?.?

Reakce na 31920

Promiňte, ale nikdo tady jestli se nepletu nemluví o komunismu. To, že ti nahoře si to vždycky zaříděj podle sebe a neohlížej se na střední a nižší vrstvy, je prostě fakt. Otroci v Římě vedli živo, jaký si my ani neumíme představit. Povstali, protože chtěli svobodu To, že se to u někoho zvrhlo v rabování, je druhá věc. Ale Spartakus chtěl svobodu pro nejnižší vrstvy! Pozor, aby nedošlo k mýlce, nejde o žádnou diktaturu proletariátu nebo co by jste si ještě mohl představit!!!!!!!!!!!!! [naštvaný] [naštvaný]


10.8.2004 2:50

Domnělý teror - cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?

Pane Pospisil,kdyz ,tak zachranujeme krestanskou civilisaci,proc vsude do vlad poustime zidy,kteri krestany nenavidi-vis Talmud.
*FINAL CONFLICT is a non-profit magazine dedicated to defending European civilisation from Marxism and Capitalism

Special Feature Issue 46

Jewish Inroads Into British Royalty
Up To 1937

Remarks by
The Hon. J. Thorkelson of Montana in the British House of Commons
(Wednesday, August 21, 1940)

It has long been one of the Jewish methods in the attainment of world domination to penetrate into privileged circles where political power is greatest: Edward the First, by expelling the Jews in 1290, saved us from too early an application of this process in Britain, but the other countries were less fortunate and suffered the extinction of their nobility by Jewish women marrying into the Gentile aristocratic families.

In Britain a few "damped" (baptized Christian) Jews remained in the country when their synagogue-going brothers had been expelled.

Some of these attained knighthood, for instance, Sir Edward Brampton, who became Governor of Guernsey. The first serious attempt, however, to penetrate the ranks of the hereditary Titleholders of England seems to have been an attack upon royalty itself by that notorious character, Perkin Warbeck, who was a servant of the knight mentioned above.

With characteristic Jewish effrontery, this man claimed the English throne.

Francis Bacon wrote in his Life of King Henry the VII: "There was a townsman of Tourney that had born office in that town, whose name was John Osbeck, a convert Jew, married to Catherine de Faro; whose business drew him to live for a time with his wife at London, in King Edward IV's days.

During which time he had a son by her; and being known in court, the King either out of religious nobleness, because he was a convert, or upon some private acquaintance, did him the honor as to be godfather to his child. and named him Peter.

But afterwards proving a dainty and effeminate youth, he was commonly called by the diminutive of his name. Peterkin or Perkin. For, as for the name of Warbeck, it was given him when they did but guess at it, before examinations had been taken.

For how many of us at school realized that Perkin Warbeck was a figure in the Jewish world plot against us, Sovereignty?

As everyone knows, Cromwell allowed the Jews to return and they flocked over here toward the latter part of the seventeenth century, the largest wave of rich Jews coming over with William III from Holland.

In 1718 the Attorney General, Sir R. Raymond, hammered another nail into his country's coffin. By deciding that Jews could hold land in England. Walpole had previously allowed the Jew Gideon to hold estates by a special act in his favor: this Jew had lent his "credit" to the government (!) which seems not to have realized that it had a lot of its own.

And falsely posing as a Christian, for he never ceased his payments to the synagogue and died a Jew, he married a Gentile, his son being created a baronet and later Baron, Eardley, a tKráceno (Editor)


10.8.2004 2:53

Domnělý teror - cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?

, a title now fortunately extinct. The first synagogue Jew baronets were Sir I. L. Goldsmid (1841), Sir Moses Montefiore, and Sir Anthony de Rothschild; these seem to have qualified for British aristocracy by using their ill-gotten wealth in buying privileges for the Jews in this and other countries.

It was Sir Issac . Goldsmid who led the movement for the admission of the Jews to our legislature. Once the barrier was down the rest was easy.

In 1858 legislation enabled the foreign "baron" Lionel de Rothschild to take his oath in the house of Commons as a Jew. His son was raised to the peerage in 1885, the "damped" Jew Disraeli had of course obtained earlier honors, dying as the Earl of Beaconsfield. Among the earlier Synagogue baronet creations were those of Sir George Jessel, Sir David Salomans, and Sir John Simon (no relation to the living Sir John Simon, who claims not to be Jewish).

British peers sometimes made matters worse by marrying Jewesses, one of the most disastrous cases being that of the second Viscount Galway, who married as early as 1747 a Jewess called Villa Real, as a result of which countless fine old British families have had this Asiatic strain instilled into them.

It was a Rothschild plan to marry superfluous daughters into the families of influential Gentiles; in this case of the Rothschild unions with Baron Battersea and the son of the fourth Earl of Hardwicke, the marriages were sterile, but a daughter of Mayer Amschel Rothschild married the fifth Earl of Rosebery, so that there is Rothschild blood in the present earl, one of whose sisters married the present Marquis of Crewe, himself with Villa Real blood: thus after many days, the blood of the Villa real Jewess mingles with that of the Rothschild in the issue of this marriage of "British Aristocrats".

This custom of mating with Jewesses now become a common one; the instinct of the Aryan has been broken down by continued propaganda, and H. Belloc in his book on The Jews writes of the Jewish penetration of our great aristocratic families: "With the opening of the twentieth century, those of the great territorial English families in which there was no Jewish blood were the exception.

In nearly all of them the strain was more or less marked, in some of them so strong that though the name was still English and the tradition that of a purely English lineage of the long past, the physique and character had become wholly Jewish and the members of the family were taken for Jews whenever they traveled in countries where the gentry had not yet suffered or enjoyed this mixture."

A study of the "society" photographers in any copy of The Bystander will convince anyone that Mr. Belloc does not exaggerate.

To those of us who believe that Bretisation is civilization, it is incomprehensible that our aristocrats could succumb to the cunning Masonic and educational Jewish propaganda designed to cause them to forget their nation.

Nevertheless the opposition, to Jewish penetration into the great families has not been expressed in any decided way: Masonry is nKráceno (Editor)


10.8.2004 2:58

Domnělý teror - cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?

no doubt responsible for this - Queen Victoria herself had qualms about granting titles to Jews, because we know that when it was recommend to her that Sir Lionel Rothschild should be promoted the peerage, she wrote as follows in a letter dated November 1 1869 to Mr. Gladstone: "It is not only the feeling of which she cannot divest herself, against making a person of Jewish religion a peer, but she can not think that one who owes his great wealth to contracts with foreign governments for loans or to successful speculation the stock exchange can fairly claim a British peerage."

"However high Sir L. Rothschild may stand personally in public estimation, this seems to be not the less a species of gambling because it is on a gigantic scale and far removed from that legitimate trading which she delights to honor, in which men have raised themselves by patient industry and unswerving probity to positions of wealth and influence."

Her sound instincts, or "prejudices" as they would be called nowadays in our Judaized press, were however broken down by Disraeli and we have now reached such a pitch that in 1932 the Jews were seriously planning to get the chief rabbi into the House of Lords, ex-officio.

In 1915 a daughter of the fourth Baron Sheffield married the Jew Edwin Montague, the disturber of Indian "pathetic contentment,' and actually "embraced Judaism" also in the religious sense. There was more excuse for Lord George Gordon of the 1780 anti-Popery campaign, who adopted the Jewish religion but died insane.

In the following review of our titled aristocracy, there are many errors of omission; working chiefly with Burke's Peerage, we find a reticence on the subject of Jewish "relativity" in our nobility; in other words, the volume seems designed to baffle the investigator as much as possible.

For that reason and also because the time at our disposal for this research is strictly limited, the review is far from complete, but it is sufficiently terrible to a racist as it is.

Every effort has been made to avoid errors of commission; we do not desire to hurt the feelings of anyone, but the British people have a right to know the truth; where ever we have insufficient evidence in suspicious cases, the benefit of the doubt has been given, we hope, in many future editions, to be able to make our lists more complete.

The excellent library of he Society of Genealogists could not produce a single volume which was of direct help in collecting this material for this pamphlet, which we hope, therefore, will find a place on its shelves; but we think something will prevent it getting there.

It may be of interest to mention that Debrett's Peerage is published by the same Jew firm Odhams Press, Ltd, which runs the Daily Herald.

Sir Sidney Lee (Jew) edited the Dictionary of National Biography, so we get little help from those. And the Jew, M. Epstein, edits the Annual Register.

We have omitted from our list certain cases where Jewesses have married into noble families in which there the titles are now extinct or from which marriages tKráceno (Editor)


10.8.2004 3:00

Domnělý teror - cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?

there was no issue.

In our investigations we fund that the statement made by J. M. Macdiarmid in The Deer Forests that the Leveson-Gower family was descended from "a London Jew money lender" is false; the name "Levenson" in this case has no Jewish application.

Also the statement made in the Jewish Daily Post June 17, 1935, that the present Duchess of Norfold has Jewish blood is untrue. she is the second wife of the last duke and mother of the present duke; and it was the first wife of the last duke, who left no heir, who had Jewish blood. The Universe is in error in stating (Feb. 4, 1937) that the Marquis of Bute is descended from the Jew Treves.

Many Jewish titles, sometimes camouflaged like those of Barons Wandsworth (real name, Stern) and Pirbright (real name, De Worms), are fortunately extinct. Extinct, also is the baronetcy of Sir Edward Speyer, which was revoked by a notice in The Times of December 14, 1921 on account of his unlawful communicating and trading with the enemy during the war.

The effect even a slight mixture of Jewish blood in an English family is often very great. It alters the political outlook of the individual because it alters the instincts themselves.

"One Jew ancestor a long way back will undo your Anglo-Saxon composition, or which you may claim an unbroken line of purely Essex stock, more thoroughly than if all your ancestors, from your parents back had been Dutch, German, Swede, Dane, French, Russian, Portuguese, Italian or any other easily assimilated race." W. Gerbardt in Memories of a Polyglot, 1931.

When a large number of individuals in commanding social or political positions are rendered partly Asiatic in instinct, the nation itself becomes the victim of these destructive instincts.

Referring to Colonel Lane's book The Alien Menace, the nation itself becomes the victim of those destructive instincts.

"English men and women are constantly asking how it comes about that a twist is so frequently given to British policy that is clearly not in accordance with British interests.

There is usually someone in a position, at the psychological moment, to deflect our government, whatever party be in power, into some line of action that is unintelligible at the time and is fraught with disastrous consequences. It is as though some hostile influence were steadily throwing grit into the machine.

In every international financial arrangement we fare badly, and the whole story of reparations and war debts is humiliating in the extreme and calculated to make us the world's laughing stock, as well as the world's milk cow.

It is in this connection that such a book as Colonel Lane has written
* throws a timely searchlight. It is in the higher ranks of society that the alien menace is formidable through the influence exercised in government departments in Downing Street and high finance by gentry of unmistakably foreign origin."

Hereditary Titleholders of Jewish Blood

(Editors Note. This book was written in 1937 and was inserted in the Congressional Record in August 1940. BecaKráceno (Editor)


10.8.2004 4:05

Domnělý teror - cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Vcelicka 24.?.?.?

>Pane Pospisil,kdyz ,tak zachranujeme krestanskou >civilisaci,proc vsude do vlad poustime zidy,kteri krestany >nenavidi-vis Talmud.
>FINAL CONFLICT is a non-profit magazine dedicated to defending >European civilisation from Marxism and Capitalism

(zajimave branit pred Marxism a Capitalism ) co tedy chcete??? misto kapitalismu? co je vase parketa?

pane Nohejl, vy si zasadne pletete pajzateho zida s modernim clovekem. Vim, ze nejsem pan Pospisil, tak ze bych to mel spis nechat odpovedet jemu. Ovsem predpokladam, ze on necetl vase prispevky tak pozorne jako je ctu ja.
Proste receno, nepredpokladam, ze treba budouci president spojenych statu Mr. Kerry chodi do synagogy, nebo jinym zpusobem se modli k zotroceni sveta. Ani v Israeli, pokud se vsimam co se tam deje, nevyhravaji pajzati zidi ale stredni vrstva, ktera prave ted se snazi udrzet nad vodou. Neni nutne ani rozumne se spojit s dablem jen abych dokoncil Hitlerovu praci. Stale vam pripominam Modry turban, uz jste si o tom laskave neco precetl????
good day dinky di.


10.8.2004 8:14

RE: Domnělý teror - cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Dr. Murt 217.?.?.?

Reakce na 31931

Pán Včelička, opatrnejšie v súdoch.
Demografická krivka v Izraeli je značne v neprospech tzv. "stredni vrstvi, ktera prave ted se snazi udrzet nad vodou." Možno práve preto silne vplyv strán zastupujúcich tzv. "pajzatich zidu".


11.8.2004 4:21

RE: Domnělý teror - cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Pisatel si přeje zůstat v anonymitě 24.?.?.?

Reakce na 31937

>Pán Včelička, opatrnejšie v súdoch.
>Demografická krivka v Izraeli je značne v neprospech tzv.
>"stredni vrstvi, ktera prave ted se snazi udrzet nad vodou."
>Možno práve preto silne vplyv strán zastupujúcich tzv.
>"pajzatich zidu".

Pane Murt, nesoudim pouze usuzuji....... (premyslim)


10.8.2004 11:09

Domnělý teror - cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?

Pane vcelicka ,je uplne jedno ,kdo v Israelu vyhraje volby,nebot Israel bude nadale okupovat Palestinu a nadale strilet a nicit palestinske domy a nadale budovat sva nova sidliste ,proste


10.8.2004 23:30

RE: Domnělý teror - cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Vcelicka 24.?.?.?

Reakce na 31943

>Pane vcelicka ,je uplne jedno ,kdo v Israelu vyhraje
>volby,nebot Israel bude nadale okupovat Palestinu a nadale
>strilet a nicit palestinske domy a nadale budovat sva nova
>sidliste ,proste

pane Nohejl, pouze do te doby, nez si palestinci daj dohromady partu hic, ktera zazene zidy do more. Opet nastane blaho v palestinske pousti. [smích]


11.8.2004 2:36

Domnělý teror - cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?

Tohle je velmi hezky napsane.
Hitler is Alive in Israel
by Michael Santomauro
August 5, 2004
About a month ago, Prime Minster Ariel Sharon was scheduled to have a state visit with the leaders of France. Just a few days before the visit, Prime Minister Sharon blurted out that Jews living in France should evacuate and resettle in Israel. President Chirac disinvited him over those remarks. Sharon wants a chicken run from the Jews living in France whose roots go back centuries and represent 70% of Europe's Jewish population. The Israeli leader's concern involves a collection of some bizarre anti-Semitic incidents. He then claimed there was too much anti-Semitism in France. He says the hub of European Jewry should: "Leave now and come to Israel."
Can you imagine if President Chirac of France agreed. Can you imagine if there was another French leader who was on the same wave length and said: "Sharon is right! Get out of France!" Then followed by other European leaders advocating the same thing for their country. Sharon would have accomplished what Hitler failed to do.
The head of the Israeli government is sort of advocating a revival of the Transfer Agreement; that the Zionists of his previous generation helped form with Hitler's government.
Sharon's message was in response to some bizarre anti-Semitic incidents in France ever since the second intifada started. Most of the intifada's troubles have been under his watch. Many agree Sharon helped start the fuse for the current intifada. What the Prime Minister of Israel fails to mention is something he already knows. That a good chunk of the few that were caught have been self-inflicted anti-Semitic acts from sick Jews. Two recent events in the last 6 months come to mind. The French rabbi who faked his own stabbing and the French-Jewish woman who falsely claimed to have been gang attacked on the platform of a train station.
There have been over one hundred self-inflicted anti-Semitic acts worldwide, throughout 20th century political history. We know this because they got caught.
Another bizarre one is here, on American turf. One of dozens in the last few decades. A few months ago there was a case concerning a professor. Her name is Prof. Dunn.
Prof. Dunn was raised in an Irish-Catholic home who was in the process of converting to Judaism. One day, after a lot of planning, she wanted to know how it would feel to be hated as a Jew. She decided to self-inflict an anti-Semitic act. She slashed her tires and spray painted swastikas on her car.
Better that we have these kinds of self-inflicted incidents, than the type of self-inflicted ones the Zionists of Sharon's generation were guilty of.
What the Zionist's of Sharon's generation did was bomb Jewish communities living peacefully in Arab countries with the intent on blaming the Gentiles living adjacent to them. The bombing caused people to be maimed and killed, both Jews and non-Jews. This has been a Zionist strategy so familiar to 20th century history. To create a false urgency for Jews to flee their communities. Even in the quarters they residKráceno (Editor)


11.8.2004 4:18

Domnělý teror - cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Pisatel si přeje zůstat v anonymitě 24.?.?.?

How do you destroy the Jews? Not an easy task.

The powerful Pharoah tried it and failed. Even 10 plagues were not enough to convince him to stop. Nebuchadnezzer, king of Babylon gave it a shot. And of course Antiochus Epiphanes, the king of Syria failed in his attempt, resulting in the celebration of Chanukah. Then there was the Roman army in the first century and the Crusaders in the 11th century, just to name a few more.

There were expulsions of Jews from England in 1290, France in 1306 and 1394, Hungary in 1349, Austria in 1421, Germany in the 14th and 16th centuries, Lithuania in 1445, Spain in 1492, Portugal in 1497, Bohemia and Moravia in 1744, among others. And throughout history there have been numerous pogroms, mass killings, threats, etc., etc.

The year 1948 should have opened up a new era for Jews. Only 3 years after the closest attempt at Jewish annihilation, where 2 out of every 3 Jewish babies, teenagers, adults and elderly were given a bullet in the head, purposeful starvation, disease, burial alive/dead in a pit with fellow Jewish townspeople, or gas chambers, one would think the world would put the idea of Jewish destruction to rest, at least for a while.

No way! Hence, another opportunity arose. Put the Jews into a barren little place that is "unreal" or "is real" (sic), which no one really wants.......except them. Every one of the countries surrounding this barren wasteland hates Jews with a passion, because it is part of their bible. So, either the cruel desert will kill them or the Arabs will. Only this time, the Europeans won't have to lend a hand.

Europe certainly knew that after a Jewish state was declared, all surrounding Arab countries would attack the army-less Jews immediately. Survival would be impossible, just through sheer numbers.

In fact, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Saudi Arabia invaded this pathetic group of already emaciated Jews struggling for survival. Azzam Pasha, secretary general of the Arab League boldly declared, "This will be a war of extermination." This ragtag group with their primitive weapons, claiming to have God on their side, wiped out those big, brave Arab warriors.

Europe, still washing the Jewish blood off its hands from WWII, and cleaning burnt flesh from underneath their fingernails, did not lend Israel a helping hand. Since giving them an easily targeted state was not working, the world had to come up with a new final solution for the Jewish problem.

This would begin as an idea called the Arab-Israeli dispute, which would mysteriously metastasize as a cause that every European socialist and leftist elite professor throughout the world could join to oppose Jews....the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

The Palestinian cause is Europe's way of clearing their consciences of culpability from WWII genocide. If the Europeans can show that the Jews are really bad guys a .................


12.8.2004 6:15

Domnělý teror - cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?

Anti-Semitism is nothing but the antagonistic attitude produced in the non-Jew by the Jewish group. The Jewish group has thrived on oppression and on the antagonism it has forever met in the world.’ Albert Einstein, Collier's Magazine, November 26, 1938


"It is permissible for the Israel Defense Forces to attack in the course
of warfare a civilian population that is ostensibly innocent of
wrongdoing. The law of the Torah is to have mercy upon and save our
civilians and our soldiers, and this is the true morality of the Torah
of Israel, and one should not feel guilt out of the morality of

-- Rabbi Dov Lior, Chairman of the Council of Rabbis of Judea, Samaria
and Gaza, issued May 18 as a formal ruling of Jewish rabbinic law.
Quoted in "Settler Rabbi: Killing Civilians Permitted," Forward (New
York), May 28, 2004, p. 5.


12.8.2004 7:00

Domnělý teror - cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?

A worthy cause: President Clinton decked out in a black yarmulke contributes a dollar to the American Friends of the Lubavitch, an international education organization, as its national director, Rabbi Abraham Shein Tov, looks on, Thursday, in the Oval Office of the White House." (Pottsville, PA - Republican, Saturday May 1, 1993).

Washington has such a deep interest in Jewish affairs, one no longer wonders why Washington does not put "America First." With Washington America doesn't come first!


15.8.2004 10:13

Domnělý teror - cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?

Tenhle vyrok vubec nepotrebuje komentar ,aby si ctenar udelal predstavu ,kterym smerem se ubirame.

"‘We’ve been fighting a war for the past 18 months, which is the harbinger of World War III. The world is going to fight, whether they like it or not. I’m sure,’ Ra’anan Gissin, a senior adviser to [Israeli Prime Minister Ariel] Sharon, said in an interview Friday." Stephanie Innes, Arizona Daily Star, March 18, 2003.


15.8.2004 20:02

RE: Domnělý teror - cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Vcelicka 24.?.?.?

Reakce na 32084

>Tenhle vyrok vubec nepotrebuje komentar ,aby si ctenar
>udelal predstavu ,kterym smerem se ubirame.

>"‘We’ve been fighting a war for the past 18
>months, which is the harbinger of World War III. The world
>is going to fight, whether they like it or not. I’m
>sure,’ Ra’anan Gissin, a senior adviser to
>[Israeli Prime Minister Ariel] Sharon, said in an interview
>Friday." Stephanie Innes, Arizona Daily Star, March 18,

Naopak pane Nohejl, nejen, ze tento vyrok potrebuje komentar ale take upozorneni, odkud jste teno vyrok okopiroval. Pokud mate jen trosinku soudneho rozumu, budte tak laskav a v pristich kopijich laskave napiste source, pripadne link na stranky, ze kterych cerpate sve moudrosti. Doufam, ze jste si precetl cely clanek a downloudoval do sveho pocitace free e-book
Pro ctenare, kteri pripadne chteji cist odkud pan Nohejl kopiruje sve vedomosti, zde je cely clanek.
Pan Nohej jeste stale hleda anti krista... Mozna Blue Turban, co vy na to pane Nohejl?


15.8.2004 20:18

Domnělý teror - cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Pisatel si přeje zůstat v anonymitě 24.?.?.?

President Lyndon Johnson potreboval valku ve Vietnamu.

Neni realne mozne polemizovat s nekym, kdo umyslne prekrucuje historicka fakta.
Prezident Lyndon Johnston prisel k valce ve Vietnamu jako slepy k houslim.
Byl to J.F.Kennedy, ktery vyhral prezidentske volby s daleko vetsim podvodem nez W.Bush!


16.8.2004 4:29

Domnělý teror - cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?

Myslim,ze neni dulezite ,kdo ,co prevzal a po kom,nebot kazdy "americky president" bude delat ,co chteji valecne monopoli,kteri mu ovsem plati jeho volby ,aby zvitezil s tim ,ze bude zastupovat jejich zajmy,tak to bylo,je a bude.Samozrejme ,ze se podle toho dela i tak zvana zahranicni politiky,ktera je zase v zajmu mocnych.President se nevoli,aby se vybral nejmoudrejci z nejmoudrejsich,ale ,aby se vybral ,nejposlusnejsi z nejposlusnejsich na inteligenci nezalezi,hlavne ,ze to sype na vsech stranach,vzdy ve vsem je predevsim zajem o penize,kdyz jsme zili pod komunismem,tak jsme meli dojem ,ze kapitalismus je smrtelnym nepritelem komunismu,ale kolik tovaren v srdci komunismu v Rusku bylo postaveno za kapitalisticke penize a kapitalistickymi inzinyry,kdyz mnohe uspechy komunismu,jak se nam rikalo,byly uspechy kapitalistickeho podnikani,od tovarny na traktory a tanky az po vyrobu vybusnin,takovy Hammer multimilionar byl pritelem Lenina -Scrull od prvnich dnu bolsevicke vlady,my jsme nesmeli mit nikoho na "zapade",jinak jsme byli tercem STB,ale Hammer mel loznici v Kremlu vedle loznice Lenina a jeho cela "revoluce" byla financovana na zapade ze zidovskych bank.Dodnes se tak deje,kdyz vsechno ,co Saddam Hussein mel ,koupil na zapade a nebo i z Ruska ,kde se to stejne vyrobilo v tovarnach,ktere postavily zapadni firmy a nebo s pomoci technologie ze zapadu.Tady jde v celku o myslenku ,ze si nekdo z jedne i druhe strany mysli,ze jde vlastenecky bojovat proti nekomu,kdo je jeho nepritelem,uz jedno z jakehokoliv duvodu,ale tak to neni,neni nepritel,obe strany ruzneho politickeho systemu stejne spolupracuji dohromady ,jen na verejnosti se to nepropaguje.Kdyz ,Hitler zbrojil,tak mnohe nemohl delat v Nemecku,tak mel tovarny ,ktere tento material vyrabeli s pomoci bolseviku v Rusku,nahlidnete do historie a takovych pripadu najdete stovky,likvidace lidi-valkou ,je system ,kde pozehnani jde z obou stran,kteri by udajne meli byt nepratele,kdyz na bojisti se budete domlouvat s nepritelem-tedy "bratrit se",tak je to kulka za velezradu,ale ,kdyz meiznarodni sejdiri si delaji obchod vzajemne do ruky,z jednea i druhe strany konfliktu,tak zadna velezrada a kulka neni,proto i po valce vsichni IG Farben a od Krupa se dostali rychle zpet do svych fukci,kdyz IGFarben byla odbockou americke firmy,tedy IG Farben ,co vlastnila i Osvetim,v dobach komunismu ,kapitalisti mnohe nakupovali,co delali komunisticti veznove a demokratumzapadu to nevadilo i ropovod v Rusku delali veznove,ktery sel do zapadni Evropy ke kapitalistum a take jim to nevadilo.


16.8.2004 5:16

Domnělý teror - cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?

Dnes i Americane ,prehodnocuji sve mineni o svete a o Americe .

Dear Editor:

Tragically, over 325,000 American vets are now suffering serious disabilities from Gulf war I and II. Many soldiers returning from Iraq today have multiple malignant growths.

Every year 43,000 more vets apply for disability services. To get a true scientific picture of the physics of DU exposure on the human body check out :


Young American men fighting in Iraq today are doomed to failing health and shortened lives.

Fortunately American generals in Iraq will succumb to the same fate but sadly there are only a handful of them.

Since Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Bush were there too just maybe they too got a dose of DU dust into their lungs.

That would be real justice. Notice any changes in Bush lately?

In October last year, at a summit of Muslim nations attended by President Putin, The Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dr Mahathir Mohamed, stated "The Europeans killed six million Jews out of twelve million, but today the Jews rule the world by proxy. They get other to fight and die for them."

The other day, American General Franks stated that the war on Iraq was to protect Israel. That means close to 1000 young Americans have already died and many thousands more have been wounded for the sake of Israel.

It gets worse though, tens of thousands of American soldiers are now exposed to DU dust and they too will succumb to a most horrible fate all for the sake of Israel. Americans and Iraqis are now the victims of a silent genocide all for the sake of Israel.

Of course the evil war mongering power elite may succeed in killing two birds with one stone by also stealing the oil and water resources of Iraq.

Once the US economy collapses, hopefully Americans will be angry enough to rise up in revolt to take back their government from the evil men who lorded over them, who bankrupted America all for the sake of Israel.

Lidi ,nikdy nedostanou rozum,aby se prestali zabijet a delat z druhych milionare.


18.8.2004 3:33

Domnělý teror - cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?

Jednou ,jeden general,rikali mu "Fesak" rekl,ze nema potize bojovat s nepritelem ,ze ma daleko vetsi potize bojovat s vlastnim ministerstvem valky.
Obcanu je nejvetsi nepritel byrokraticky aarat jez na sebe chce stahnout veskere obcanska prava a svobody obcanu,proto Anglie bela klauzuli mezi kralem a obcanstev "Bill Of rights" a konstituci,kde byla zarucena obcanova prava proti byrokracii aparatu uz jakeho koliv systemu,vlada ,ktera se boji svych vlastnich obcanu se kryje vydavani nadmerym poctem zakonu ,vse ovsem ve jmenu zakona a poradku,ktere zakonodarci sami o sobe naprosto nedodrzuji v ramci sveho vysadniho postaveni,zakony takto umozni valde legalni terror na svych vlastnich obcanech.Spravne rika encyklopedie ,ze Terror je vladni system ,ktery chce vladnout svym obcanum pomoci strachu.
Okradanim obcana o jeho prava je pocatkem i okradani obcana o jeho celozivotni uspory a jeho majetek,samozrejme ,ze predchazi zase ve jmenu prava a zakona odzbrojeni obcanu,na coz ma obcan pravo.Pokud veci dojdou tak daleko,ze vlada ziska naprostou kontrolu nad obcanstvem ,tak se stane totalitni vladou a je jedno ,jaky nazev nese officialne na verejnosti a pred celym svetem,takze ,dnes mnohe vladni systemy jsou systemy totalitni ,i kdyz si nechavaji rikat ,ze jsou demokratickymi .


21.8.2004 16:12

Van der Lubbe zalozil poziar sam.

deu 68.?.?.?

"Přišel požár Reichstagu - zinscenovaný Hitlerovými pohůnky jako dílo teroristů."

Tak sa to nestalo. Poziar urobil Van der Lubbe uplne sam, ako o tom hovori clanok "Van der Lubbe hat das Feuer gelegt - ohne Hintermänner" v Die Welt:



23.10.2004 21:05

Domnělý teror - cesta k totalitě a válkám (1. díl)

trodas 82.?.?.?

Zajimave [smích] Ja mel za to, ze bylo prokazano, ze Reichstag zacal horet na nekolika mistech najednou. Takze mi role osamoceneho zhare prjde jako ponekud podivne hlaseni-se k necemu za ucelem vlastni slavy...
Pokud by to dokazal, tak bu musel but pouzit nejake casovaci zarizeni, anebo bahat VELMI, VELMI rychle, aby cas mezi ubehnutim a zapalenim byl minimalni. Mimochodem, Reichstag mel i ochranku [chechtot]

A i kdyz pripustime, ze to udelal osamoceny zhar a vse je spatne, tak jest nepopiratelne, kdo a jakym zpusobem z toho profitoval. Takze clanek ma pravdu tak, jako tak - a dohadujeme se jen o detailech [mrknutí jedním okem]


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