Diskuze k článku
Aféra generála Günzela
Příspěvků 44
Ten generál sa vola Reinhard Günzel, Peter Struck je minister obrany. Priezvisko kancelara je mozné písať Schröder alebo Schroeder, ale nie Schröeder.
Novinári sa ku Günzelovmu listu dostali tak, ze sa ním Hohmann oháňal pri interview.
7.11.2003 14:23
RE: Oprava
Vladimír Stwora editor (zavináč) zvedavec (tečka) org 24.?.?.?
Reakce na 21362
Díky. Nevím, jak se to mohlo stát.
Toto neni prispevek, jenom zadost o opravu jmena. General se jmenuje Guenzel, ne Struck.
Ja nevim cemu se divite? Zidi mohou jako jediny narod zabijet krast loupit majitky a uzemi a my vsichni jim musime fandit ty odvaznejsi muzou jenom mlcky prihlizet , ale to je tak vsechno. Co s tim? Reseni me opravdu nenapada a asi nikoho. Snad jen sehnat dobreho chirurga a dat se k nim pripadne se snad ozbrojit a cekat. Ja cekam. Ozbrojen jsem.....
Myslím, že je docela dobře možné, že co se týče Židů, panuje v SRN stejná diktatura pokrytecké politické korektnosti, jako v USA ohledně všelijakých menšin.
len by som doplnil :
listom generala sa samotny poslanech "pochvalil" v jednej diskusnej relacii, kde obhajoval svoje nazory, aby ukazal ze ma podporu
(priamo na titulkoch a clankoch sme sa da vidiet ako funguje zidovska propagacna masineria)
8.11.2003 1:00
Aféra generála Günzela
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?
Co si vsechno mohou zidi dovolit najdeme v nekolika prikladech,bibli pocinaje ,kde chteji vsechny pro ne antisemiticke pasaze vypustit a Shakspirem konce ,kde upravili,co se daloa dokonce zasahli do vsech knih a oper ,kde se jedna o lakomstvi zidu,proste upravuji svetovou literaturu k obrazu svemu,dodatecne meni hstoricke dokumenty a nebo je likviduje,prikladem bylo zpracovani pozustalosti Churchila ,kde na jeho osobnich papirech-dokumentech pracovalo pet historiku,vsichni zidi .Dokumenty o proradnosti Churchila v jeho vykoupeni z drazby zidovskym diamantovym magnatem Starkosem musi prece zmizet ze sveta,jinak by lide poznali pravdu ,jak zide kupuji politiky k jejich cilum.Dodne davne dokumenty o "krvavych obradech" rovnez dodatecne mizi a nebo jsou mimo oko verejnosti ,zde je i uplaceni soudu a podobne.Sveho casu na americke TV "Shaw"poradu ,jakasi zidovka priznala ,ze zna a i se zucastnila obetovani ditete pri "jejich " obradu,ovsem cely zaznam je ztazen z internetu,proste ,jejich pritomnost proti "ospalym" krestanum je vsude a tak i film o Kristovy uz dochazi zmenam,proste literarni svoboda neexistuje a na svet je uvalena celosvetova zidovske cenzura.Neni proto divu ,ze jakykoliv projev kritiky je hned v zarodku umlcen,cela ta "rijnova revoluceů byl od zacatku zidovsky podnik,Rusko bylo vlastne obeti invase zidu z New Yorku na prevzeti moci,ale historicky vzato se mlci a ve skolach se uci polopravda,nebot je zde strasidlo antisemitismu,ktere neexistuje ve sve podstate ,nebot tito tak zvani zide ,nejsou zidy ,ale Chazary,tudiz nikdy nebyli semiti,kdyz ne semiti ,tak nemuze byt ani antisemitismus,je jenom antichazar-antizionist, proti kteremu se mnozi zide stavi samy,jako napriklad Israel Shamir.Proste pravda je tou nejvetsi zbrani proti temto radobyvladci sveta.
8.11.2003 11:29
RE: Aféra generála Günzela
Pisatel si přeje zůstat v anonymitě 211.?.?.?
Reakce na 21383
Velmi dobry clanek a pravdivy.V cele Sovetske vlade byl jen jediny clovek kdo nebyl zid./gruzinec Stalin,avsak musel zit s zidovkou,ktera ho hlidala 24hod.denne.Jeji fotr mel na starosti koncentracni tabory odkud se kradlo zlato a vozilo do zidovskych Banek v NY a Londyne.300 milionu krestanu bylo zidy vyvrazdeno ve 20 stoleti.Hitler byl rovnez zid,/bastard./zplozeny Videnskym prznitelem devcatek-Myerem Rotchildem.Jeho cesta k moci byla proto snadna a jista.
Co sa tyka tej bolsevickej revolucie, este by bolo vhodne spomenut, kdo ju financoval a zaroven, kdo financoval Hitlera. Co sa tyka zidovskej propagandy, vynikajuci priklad je historik David Irwing (dovolil si povedat co nemal a pritom vychadzal len z archivov). Dobre clanky o tom su na www.lpk.sk.
Presne tohle jsem cekal schuze antisemitu...nikdo se nepozastavi co Hohmann rekl a jak general reagoval....vsichni si potvrzuji jak sioniste vladnou svetu ..pane Stwora nenavstivil Vas uz Mossad ohledne techto stranek?
btw:pro pana Nohejla(nejen pro neho) mam nekolik odkazu- par svych pacientu jsem tam poslal-doporucuji navstivit podobne zarizeni-
9.11.2003 1:22
RE: Aféra generála Günzela
Peleška Milan peleska (zavináč) email (tečka) cz 213.?.?.?
Reakce na 21392
Článek je zajímavý,ale přesto musím zaujmout rozhodně odmítavé
Kdokoliv může mít jakékoliv kritické připomínky k židům,ale nesmí to být Němci!
Bohužel Němci mají "vybráno" vůči židům na 100 let dopředu.
To je stejné jako naši páni komunisté u nás.
Já jim neupírám právo na politický prostor , dokonce jsou dnes
z politiků asi nejpravdomluvnější, ale zárověň bych měl
pro komunisty jasný návrh zákona , podle kterého by se nesměli
po dobu 99 let jakkoliv podílet na moci.
Prostě ochranná karanténa,aby se nemohli opakovat zvěrstva,
která napáchali.
Zrovna tak pro Němce. Norimberské zákony ,které platily pro
židy , jsou podle mého názoru stejně zrůdné jako uplatňování
třídního boje komunisty a tím ničení nevinných lidí.
Pokuď vím a nejenom z historie , ale jsou ještě pamětníci,
že židé po roce 1940 u nás za protektorátu / a byli to úplně
nevinní lidé - lékaři a jiná inteligence /bez rozdílu, museli
nosit žlutou hvězdu, nesměli jezdit tramvají, ani telefonovat
a posléze zmizeli přes Terezín do koncetráků ,odkud se už
nevrátili. Z protektorátu to bylo cca 80 000 lidí a to je počet
docela dobře doložitelný.
Za tohle mohli tehdejší "nadlidé" , vyšší vyvolená rasa - Němci!
Bohužel se na tomhle svinstvu podíleli i páni čecháčci.
Je sice hrozné,že to dnes část židů nejspíš za války od "nadlidí" Němců odkoukala a chovají se podobně , zvláště
v Palestině, ale to ještě neznamená, že by měli Němci jakékoliv
právo i jenom nepatrné, strkat nos do židovské problematiky.
Prostě Němci musí a ještě hodně dlouho / 100 let / specielně
o židech držet hubu!
Pana poslance já bych osobně v Německu zavřel a toho generála
také.Němci nemají žádné právo něco říci proti židům.
A ještě několik generací takové právo mít nemohou.
Také normální Němec , když mu začnete připomínat Hitlera
a válku , tak se docela normálně stydí a prosí vás ,abyste
mu nic nepřipomínal. Tedy myslím tím takové ty prosté lidsky
citlivé občany Německa. Mezi takové,ale ani pan poslanec
a ani pan generál nepatří.
Já myslím,že i sami Němci si již za válku vytrpěli dost - přišli
o velkou část území a bylo jich 12 milionů přesídleno
za dost krutých podmínek, ale pořád jim něco připomínat ,
také není úplně v pořádku.
Možná ,že i pan Stwora by se měl nad sebou zamyslet,než napíše
takhle orientovaný článek.
Jsem zastáncem postupné spolupráce mezi lidmi i když jsou dnes
" na nože". Jak třeba vypadal vztah Němců a Francouzů po válce a přeci se podařilo dlouhodobou a cílevědomou politikou
postupně obrušovat hrany a dnes si i velmi staří lidé - pamětníci , považují za čest se jít podívat a pokamarádit
za hranice,které dnes de fakto ani mezi Francií a Německem
nejsou a ještě k tomu mají stejné peníze.
To je vlastně zázrak, že se takový nepřátelé z mnoha tisíci
válečných obětí na obouch stranách dokázali za 50 let usmířit.
Když se chce , tak jde lecos. Je sice pravdou , že se militantní
židé příliš usmířit nechtějí,ale i oni časem musí přijít ke křížku.
Pane Peleska, pisete to krasne a zni to i poeticky. V mnohem, se da s Vama i souhlasit. Ale, to co by jste chtel Vy - tu krasnou harmonii mezi lidmi a narody, zase nechteji politici. Je treba si totiz uvedomit, ze tato planeta Zeme, patri nam vsem bez rozdilu barvy pleti a vyznani. Taktez, jakozto vsemu zivemu, co na teto modre planete nalezi. Jen POLITICI ( je dulezite taky znat koho oni zastupuji), nas rozdeluji, rozestvavaji, bojkotuji, strasi a udelali z nas nenavistne vystrasene stado, kterym vladnou.
10.11.2003 15:09
RE: Aféra generála Günzela
stefan usdoc (zavináč) post (tečka) cz 209.?.?.?
Reakce na 21392
hey hrac, ty vsechny instituce mas uz za sebou??? ale moc ti to asi nesvedcilo, co?????
Vzhledem k tomu ze nejste schopen pochpoit ani tisteny text(muj prispevek) navstivte mou ordinaci.Dohodneme se kam Vas umistim.
12.11.2003 4:48
RE: Aféra generála Günzela
stefan usdoc (zavináč) post (tečka) cz 209.?.?.?
Reakce na 21495
>Vzhledem k tomu ze nejste schopen pochpoit ani tisteny text(muj
>prispevek) navstivte mou ordinaci.Dohodneme se kam Vas umistim.
toz hracu, pochopit to muze jen clovek tvych kvalit, a rad te navstivim, lec musis mi sdelit kterou.
off topics, synku, tys nam tu jeste chybel s tou klinikou, no nic hlidej nam tam mista,ok! ja vim, ze bys tam rad videl vsechny ty, co jsou proti zidkovske hiearchii!!
a ono to nakonec zkonci tak jako ve 30 letech, ale to uz se ten pan nebude jmenovat dolfa!!!
liba stefan
8.11.2003 23:02
Aféra generála Günzela
Pavel ntpng (zavináč) austarnet (tečka) com (tečka) au 203.?.?.?
To je stoprocentni ukazka jaka banda vladne v Nemecku
9.11.2003 3:00
Aféra generála Günzela
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?
To jsou slova zidovskeho rabbina,takze ,jestli nekohochcete poslat do blazince a nebo chcete ,aby jsme meli navstevu mossadu,tak tim dokazujete ,ze mame jen a jen pravdu v tom ,co se ucime od ,tak zvanych zidu-zionistu samotnych,mel byste se priucit take, pusobite svou neznalosti veci trapne,proto se ani pravym jmenem nepodepisete,aby Vas nenavstivil "mispuska",vsak ty dobre vis ,co to je!!!!
In 1868 while preaching a funeral, Rabbi Reichorn (Rzeichorn) stated, "Wars are the Jews' harvests," and they are certainly reaping a bloody and bountiful harvest (working under another name and in a different occupation) in Iraq.
Jak se jim dostal ten dopis do rukou? Zjevně se jednalo o chydu poslance Hohmanna. Myslím, že přesnou odpověď naleznete v článku, na který jsem natrefil na adrese:
Co prohlasil masovy vrah, chazarsky zid Ariel Shinerman-Sharon:
"Nikdo na tomto Svete nema pravo postavit Israel pred soud. Nikdo. Prave naopak, Israel ma pravo privest pred tribunal jine, ale absolutne nikdo nema pravo soudit zidovsky lid a stat Israel."
'No one in this world has the right to put Israel on
trial. No one. On the contrary, Israel may have the
right to put others on trial, but certainly no
one has the right to put the Jewish people and the
state of Israel on trial.'
- Israel's prime minister, Ariel Sharon, to
a U.S. commission
investigating violence in Israel
Karol Wojtyla, soucasny papez, ve 40.tych letech pracoval pro firmu Farben a obetave tahal do koncentraku v Oswietimi (Auschwitz) kyble s Cyklonem B k desinfikaci prostoru a oddevu spinavych a zavsivenym veznu.
A deda G.W. Bushe, Prescott?
Podle klasifikovanych dokumentu holandske vyzvedne sluzby a americkych archivu, deda soucasneho americkeho presidenta, Prescott Bush, vydelal znacne pneize z prace Oswietimskych veznu. A co vice, sam president Bush je dedicem techto zisku z holokaustu, ktere byly ulozeny presidentovym otcem, G.H.W. Bushem, do "slepeho" fondu.
cti to aspon po sobe. Holocaust preci nebyl, tak jak na nem mohl deda Bush vydelavat.
mozna ted trochu odbocim, ale je to ze stejne oblasti.
jsem zvedav, jak nam nalozi se hrdinou jessica lynch, ktera vykvakala, ze jeji hrdinske ciny byly jen nafilmovany podvod a propaganda.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stefan, (dnes na hotmail nebo na msnbc)
Keby dnes žil Hitler tak na to aby spáchal samovraždu by netrebalo ani prehratú vojnu stačí, aby uvidel to divadlo čo sa deje okolo jedného prejavu (ktorý napriek mediálnemu krákaniu obsahuje fakty)poslanca v Bundestagu. Lebo sa presne deje to čo napísal vo svojej knihe Mein Kampf v časti kde opisuje kroky židov na ovládnutie sveta. Podľa toho sme už v predposlednej fáze a posledná je keď sa židovskí paraziti napúlno odhalia a verejne vahlásia svoju vládu nad svetom. Tým nechcem obhajovať Hitlera a jeho zločiny, išlo mi len o porovnanie.
11.11.2003 4:47
Aféra generála Günzela
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?
Cena za pravdu je stale stejna,drive kral mel saska a ten mu v humornem podani zdelil ,co Byrokrati nemohli kralovi ric do oci,take zde byl kat,jako prava autorita krale,takz e,chudak kral se nemohl dozvedit ,co si o nem lid mysli v ulicich jeho mest,kdyz to chtel vedet ,tak hlasem pravdy byl sasek ,coz nekdy kralerozhnevalo a cena za pravdivou zpravu i v saskovskem podani byl nekdy i kopanec ,jako stale platidlo od nadrizenych autorit,kral se dozvedel pravdu a sasek dostal ,co mu patrilo,v dnesnim modernim svete nemuzem rici ,ze zidama ovladana media jsou jakoby zastupcem saska,coz zdaleka neodpovida pravde,pravdou je ,ze mnozi politici jsou saskove dnesni spolecnosti,ale humorne to vubec neni ,spise je to hrozbou lidstvu,jak jednoho dne zkoncime.
Demokracie je myšlenková diktatura stejně jako každá jiná diktatura. Jediné povolené a správné myšlení, je politicky korektní myšlení. Bohužel tato myšlenková diktatura je nastavená tak, že vyhovuje většině lidí. Po křesťanství a komunismu se komusi podařilo přijít se systémem vlády, který je dokonale univerzální, internacionální a aplikovatelný kdekoli na světě, kam se dostane "civilizace a pokrok" a nejuniverzálnější Bůh - Peníze. Zkuste hádat, kdo jsou kněží tohoto Boha? Je smutné, že tolik lidí je si vědomo toho, co se děje, ale že jediné co proti tomu děláme, je to, že nadáváme na poměry na stránkách politicky nekorektních medií. Podobné názory jsou tak ožehavé, že se za ně lidé bezmála stydí. Bylo by třeba změnit myšlení těch, kteří mají vliv. Upozorňovat na tyto problémy. Je spousta intelig. lidí, kteří se s vámi přestanou bavit, jakmile se otřete o Židy a ani nevědí proč. Je to stejné, jako v 19. století, kdy lidé reagovali na slovo žid jako na nadávku, jenže přesně opačně. Proto je nutné se spojit a přesvědčit tyto tzv. morální autority, u kterých se člověk zamyslí nad tím co řekli, ikdyž to nebylo polit. korektní. Problém je, ale takovéto lidi vůbec objevit. Většina jich je přesně těmi, kteří zastávají podobný názor na Židy jako pan Havel a nebo jsou sami Židé.
To jak je společnost zmanipulovaná a podobné názory odsuzovány, nás nakonec dovádí k tomu, že začneme říkat, že Hitler měl pravdu a naše výroky budou čím dál tím ostřejší a to z nás nakonec udělá vyvrhele. Musíme s tím něco dělat, dokud je čas. Jestli ještě je...
11.11.2003 18:43
RE: Aféra generála Günzela
Peleška Milan peleska (zavináč) email (tečka) cz 213.?.?.?
Reakce na 21498
Dovolím si poznámku ,že příspěvek pana Lukáše je
neobyčejně kvalitní a pan Lukáš opravdu přemýšlí!
Musim se jen pridat k panum Pavlovi a Peleskovi. Pane Lukas, stoprocentni souhlas s Vasim prispevkem. Velmi dobre, velmi poucne i skutecne. Lev
12.11.2003 4:56
RE: Aféra generála Günzela
stefan usdoc (zavináč) post (tečka) cz 209.?.?.?
Reakce na 21498
s tím něco dělat, dokud je čas. Jestli ještě
absolutne perfektne vystihnuto!!!, ano cas leti, yarmulari se roztahli az moc!! problem dnes je v tom, ze uz malem neni "kam" jit verejne rvat proti nim. vzdyt uz vlastni temer vsechny dulezite medialni sfery. a jak by to dopadlo, kdy se nasli oratori a verejne zacali vystupovat. kolik by takovych vystoupeni bylo, resp.` kolik oratoru by proslovy prezilo!!!
ano, je treba sjednotit sily dokud je jeste cas, pokud fakt jeste je!!!
Kedy bude,vtedy bude
11.11.2003 22:49
Aféra generála Günzela
Pavel ntpng (zavináč) austarnet (tečka) com (tečka) au 203.?.?.?
Pane Lukas, velmi dobry prispevek. Za prve kdy chceme navratit verejne mysleni do spravnych koleji budeme muset zbavit Zionysty od kontroly verejnych zdelovacich prostredku. To je ta nejmocnejsi zbran v jejich rukach.
12.11.2003 4:24
Aféra generála Günzela
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?
Nejdriv zacit ve volbach doma,odstranit zionisticke kolaboranty z rad krestanu a tvrde trestat uplatkare a uplacene,tem ,z nasich bilych-krestanskych rad dat dvojnasobek.Kazdy kazdidat mel by byt postaven pred "zidovskou-zionistickou "otazku a podle toho ,jak ji zotpovi ,tak podle toho urcit Vasi silu volby.Kazdopadne pouzit vsech moznych platku ,jez jsou jeste v rukach krestanu k tomu ,aby pravda vysla vzdy najevo do nejvetsiho mnozstvi lidu.Historicky zotpovedne ucitele postavit do cela naseho skolstvi a chranit nasi kulturu ,pred kulturou kosher-Hollywoodu.V Americe se derou zide do nejvyssich mist a vyuzivaji propagandy o utiskovani cernych bilymi rasisty a tak nejlepsi zbrani je volit vsude cerne proti doposavadnim zidovskym drzitelum verejnych mist.
12.11.2003 4:43
Aféra generála Günzela
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?
Cim dal ,tim vice se ozyvaji hlasy ve svete proti
zidum-zionistum,sam zid Soros rekl,ze antisemitismus delaji si zide samy,podle toho ,jak jednaji s jinymi.
Ted i Recko se ozvalo na obranu sve kultury a duchovni nezavislosti.
Greek composer blasts Jews
Jews are the “root of evil,” a leading Greek composer said. At a news conference this week publicizing his new book, Mikis Theodorakis, who scored the music for the film “Zorba the Greek,” also said that the Jews “are full of self-importance and evil stubbornness,” the Jerusalem Post reported. He said Greeks are less aggressive than Jews “because we have more history.” Israeli officials released a statement calling on Greek cultural and political officials to distance themselves from Theodorakis’ remarks.
12.11.2003 4:48
Aféra generála Günzela
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?
Israel je jisty svym jednanim a pocita ,ze muze manipulovat s celym svetem a tam ,kde nema moc ,tak posle "Americany".
Diktatorstvi nad svetem je planem na svetovladu a Jerusalem ma byt hlavnim mestem sveta ve Velkem Israelu,kde budou vsechna olejova pole vlastnena zidy.Bojkotem diplomatu ,jez promluvi s Arafatem ma svetu ukazat ,kdo je pravym panem sveta.
E.U. official rips Israel
The E.U.’s senior foreign policy official blasted Israel for boycotting foreign diplomats who meet with Yasser Arafat. Javier Solana told reporters in Rome on Tuesday that Israel’s refusal to meet with the Palestinian Authority president is “its own prerogative, but they have to know that these are not the rules of diplomacy.” Solana was particularly critical of Israel’s boycott of the E.U.’s special emissary to the Middle East, Marc Otte, who has been denied contact with Israeli officials since he met with Arafat last month. “When you have someone whose principal task is to talk to the two parties and he can’t do it, it’s bizarre,” Solana said. Israel and the United States refuse to deal with Arafat because of his links to terrorism, but European countries continue to regard him as a legitimate leader.
14.11.2003 6:28
Aféra generála Günzela
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?
V Madarsku uz lide protestuji proti tomu ,co maji a co ne videt ve sve televisi,samozrejme protest neni dobrou zpravou ve svetove zidy kontrolovanem tisku,takze v Australii neni ani zminka,toto je primo z tisku zidovskeho.
Pro-Irving protest in Budapest
Some 2,000 people rallied in Budapest to protest the cancelation of a TV show after it hosted Holocaust denier David Irving. Irving visited Hungary at the invitation of the far-right Justice and Life Party for the Hungarian holiday commemorating the anniversary of the 1956 revolution. The show, “Night Shack,” aired on Hungary’s state-owned public station and caused great uproar among liberal media and the public. The station quickly cancelled the program. During today’s protest, speakers, among them the head of Hungarian State Radio, denounced the socialist government for suppressing free speech. Former Prime Minister Viktor Orban joined those who are protesting the show’s cancellation, saying “This is not the first time that programs supporting Christian values are being attacked.”
15.11.2003 3:48
Aféra generála Günzela
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?
Jeste se najdou na svete statecni lide ,nebojici se rici pravdu.
An Open Letter to the War Generation
K R Bolton
P. O. Box 1627
Paraparaumu Beach
10 Nov. 03
Mrs B
Dear Mrs B
Thanks for your letter.
You assume I “wasn’t there”. How would you know? True, I wasn’t. However, neither am I a youngster. I have seen enough of society, as well as read sufficient history and talked to many people who “were there”, to know that our nation and Western Civilisation generally have taken a wrong turn. This downward cycle of decay is thanks largely to decisions made in regard to Hitler and the World War that was contrived against him.
That our present plight has continued and shows no signs other than the eclipse of Western Civilisation and the white man in favour of a World Dictatorship, is also thanks partly due to your generation which has never grown up out of the bilge it was taught when you were all told what to think about Hitler and Germany.
What did your generation bequeath to subsequent generations? The immediate post-war result was the maintenance of the orthodox debt banking system which Hitler rebelled against, and which itself largely explains why war was declared against him. Communism was spread halfway across Europe .. The Jews were elevated into the most Holy People status, who cannot be criticised, no matter what crimes they commit, including their disproportionate involvement in Stalin’s NKVD torture and murder squads. The British and all other European empires, indebted to NY Jewish banking houses, were obliterated, to be replaced by the American-Jewish Dollar empire that now rules the world. Our youth is drugged and alienated, without ideals or responsibility. Sentiments such as patriotism, nationalism, heroism and chivalry and the traditional roles of women, the family and motherhood are scorned as “old fashioned”. Even Winston Peters is smeared as a “fascist” because he articulates a vaguely nationalistic policy.
In regard to my “not being there”, interestingly, I had several calls of support in response to my Listener letter, both from the war generation, and at least one of whom “was there”. I have also known a few war veterans who came back from the war regretting that they had fought Hitler (and Mussolini), saying that even among the ruins of those two briefly great nations they could see the achievements of National Socialism and Fascism. Unlike most in the RSA, these few returned servicemen spent the rest of their lives vainly trying to wake people up to the way the post-war world was being pushed further into debt slavery and the “New World Order” dictatorship we are now living under, and which you call “freedom”. I have also known Europeans who “were there” under the German occupation, whose memories of the Germans are far different from the tripe we are told.
YoKráceno (Editor)
15.11.2003 3:55
Aféra generála Günzela
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?
You say I didn’t see the rounding up of German Jews. Experience the aerial bombardments, the deaths of many heroic airmen etc. Please spare me the moral double standard. German Jews were rounded up as enemy aliens, since their own leaders publicly declared “war” on Hitler the very year he achieved Government, 1933, at a time when there were few restrictions put on Jews. The Jews, under Samuel Untermeyer organised a world economic boycott to try and wreck Germany economically. Jews and their communist allies organised boycotts of shops that sold Germany goods. People were beaten up by Jewish-communist thugs if they tried to resist. You must have seen that in England at the time?
Rounding up “enemy aliens” was practised by every belligerent nation. In New Zealand , Germans, Japanese and Italians were put on Sommes Island. But what is really odd is that the NZ authorities (and presumably the other Allied powers) also rounded up and confined German JEWS as “enemy aliens”. How bizarre is that? How much more extreme than the Germans and Italians.
The practice can be traced to the Anglo-Boer war, which your mother country fought to maintain the diamond and gold monopoly of Rothschild, Beit and Barnato, while the Afrikaners only sought freedom to live their own way. This freedom they never did get. They simply could not be left alone by an empire which – however laudable the heroism of the soldier and the honesty of the civil servant – too often served the interests of Jews such as Rothschilds and Sassoon (recall the Opium Wars fought by your country to maintain Sassoon’s opium trade in China?). Do you not know that during the Anglo-Boer war the British established concentration camps for the sole purpose of confining Boer women and children? Over 20,000 of these women and children died of typhus and malnutrition in these camps. When do we ever hear of this genocide? We only hear of the Jews, who also died of typhus and malnutrition, thanks partly due to the Allied bombing of German supply lines. Odd isn’t it that when the Germans were evacuating the so-called extermination camps they gave the Jewish inmates a choice of staying behind and waiting for their “Soviet liberators”, yet most chose to flee with the Germans, including the professional Holocaust survivor, Simon Wiesenthal.
As for “rounding up” your Government rounded up without charge or trial under Reg. 18B, 1000 of its own citizens (many, perhaps most, World War I vets) and threw them into jails and camps, some in such conditions that they died prematurely. Some of those incarcerated were arrested whilst on active service.
As for the aerial bombings that scared you… Ever heard about what happened to Dresden and Hamburg and a dozen other German cities –undefended, open cities? They were firebombed. The heat was so intense a fire-storm would result. People would literally melt into the pavement. After the BritKráceno (Editor)
15.11.2003 3:59
Aféra generála Günzela
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?
After the British had bombed Dresden , crammed with refugees from Eastern Europe fleeing the Red Army – American fighters shot anyone who moved – children, mothers with babies… That was a real “holocaust” in a literal sense.
I suppose you will tell me (or yourself) that Hitler initiated the bombing of civilians during the war? WRONG. It was initiated by the British. John Speight, principal secretary of the Air Ministry, admitted this after the war, so don’t harp back that it is German propaganda.
You state that Britain didn’t start the war or threaten Europe . You must have a short memory. Britain declared war on Germany. It cynically offered Poland a guarantee of military protection knowing full well that it couldn’t fulfil such a promise. But the result was achieved; war against Hitler, at the cost of millions of European lives, and the destruction of much of Europe’s culture. Hitler was involved in negotiations with Poland over the return of Danzig and Memel (German districts handed over to Poland after World War I). Do you have the foggiest idea how the German ethnic minority in Poland was being treated by fanatical Polish chauvinists, who had their own territorial ambitions on Germany? Hundreds of elderly farmers, whole families, mothers, babies, little children, were being murdered and mutilated by armed Poles.
Of course you’ll say that there were no such atrocities, just German propaganda to justify Hitler’s invasion. Well, Germany invited journalists and forensic experts from neutral countries to examine the mass graves. The same method of neutral verification was soon afterwards again undertaken when the Germans found that the entire Polish leadership stratum had been killed by the Soviet Army and buried at Katyn. Your British Foreign Office was still claiming until quite recently that this was a German atrocity, even after the Russians had admitted responsibility! Churchill and Roosevelt knew who was responsible but kept it from their people.
Once the British had made their bogus promise to protect Poland, the Poles called off all negotiations with Germany. The genocide against the German ethnic peasant families in Poland continued. Poland was the first to mobilise its armed forces against Germany. When the German army stood at the outskirts of Warsaw, the Polish Government even then refused to surrender. Hitler warned that Warsaw was to be bombarded. He asked the Polish Government to evacuate civilians. The Polish Government refused. And it is Hitler who is called the war criminal! When the USSR attacked Poland and took half the nation, why didn’t Britain and France declare war on the USSR? After the war, at Yalta, the USSR was handed half of Europe. What happened to the moral humbug about the “rights of small nations”? Churchill would not even allow the Free Polish Army to participate in the victory parade in London .
And how did this “victory” end? Communism triumphed over half of Europe. Alien Jews got dumped on Palestine, bacKráceno (Editor)
15.11.2003 4:03
Aféra generála Günzela
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?
backed by the USSR. The Zionists conducted an IRA style terrorist campaign against the British mandate authorities, and even murdered one of their own wartime saviours, Count Bernadotte, the UN envoy.
The Red Army raped its way across Europe , not only ravishing German women, but Hungarian, Polish… Millions of women were raped by the Soviet Army. How many were raped by the Germans? Even the arch anti-Nazi journalist William Shirer admits in his Rise and Fall of the Third Reich as to the correct behaviour of German soldiers towards those they conquered.
The USA inaugurated the Morgenthau Plan, named after the Jewish US Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau Jnr., and devised primarily by his assistant Harry Dexter White, another Jewish communist later exposed as a Soviet spy. Did your rulers ever tell you about the Morgenthau Plan? It was the blueprint for the Allied occupation of Germany. German industry was dismantled and shipped en mass to the USSR. Agricultural production was forcibly cut. The aim was to starve Germans into extinction, like Stalin’s Jewish commissar Kaganovich had starved millions of Ukrainian peasants to death. For several years after the war Germans were deliberately kept on a ration the calories of which were insufficient to sustain health. Millions died. Just like millions of ethnic Germans died when they were forcibly rounded up from their centuries old ancestral homelands in Eastern Europe and put on a forced long march back to Germany. Several million German POW’s died of contrived malnutrition AFTER the war, in Eisenhower’s concentration camps. This has quite recently been exposed by Canadian journalist James Bacque in his book Other Losses. Millions of innocent, defeated Germans were exterminated AFTER the war by the Allies and the USSR, yet we only hear fictitious blather about the supposed “Holocaust”. Why? Whose interests are still being served after all this time? Think!
In Poland, under Communist rule, concentration camps were set up for Germans still left behind. They were totally brutalised, mainly by Jewish commissars. This fact is related by Jewish author John Sack in his book An Eye for An Eye. Sack has been dammed by his fellow Jews. One of the worst commissars was Solomon Morel who is now an Israeli citizen. The Polish Government wants him returned from Israel to face criminal proceedings. Israel refuses to extradite him, citing statute of limitations. The same applies to other Jewish communist torturers resident in Israel, wanted in Lithuania and Latvia for war crimes. Yet, the Zionists hunt down any elderly German or other European who fought against communism, they can get their claws onto. One old man was extradited on a stretcher from the USA to the USSR where he was shot, because he had fought with the Germans against Stalin, like millions of other Europeans of all nationalities. One Polish retiree, Frank Wallus, had his savings and health wrecked, trying to prove he was a young Polish farm worker during the war; not an SS officer. Innocent old people Kráceno (Editor)
15.11.2003 4:05
Aféra generála Günzela
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?
continue to be harassed, and even when travelling bands of perjured Jewish witnesses are proven to have lied under oath, they are never brought to justice.
The only reason the genocidal Morgenthau Plan was abandoned was that it was having a disastrous impact upon the post-war reconstruction of the rest of Europe. Churchill’s own plan was to drop anthrax bombs on Germany. Do you have any idea what anthrax is like? If this had taken place, Germany would still be uninhabitable. The bombs were being manufactured. However, it was decided that the war would be over via conventional means by the time sufficient anthrax bombs were manufactured. Did your wartime masters ever tell you about that?
So what was Hitler’s “crime”. And why is he still being demonised, even though his alleged “war crimes ”have now been shown to have been inventions of Allied war propaganda (of the type that told Britons during World War I about the bayoneting of Belgium babies and the crucifixion of Canadian soldiers, etc.). Why is he still so feared?
It is because he inaugurated a new form of government that was based on the folkish community, where “the common interest comes before self-interest”? Youth were given a sense of purpose, were clean living, worked at a stretch of Labour Service regardless of class or family wealth. Even William Shirer remarked on the callow, unhealthy English youth, in comparison to the healthy vigour of German youth. Workers and management worked together, and Marxist class war was finished. Few communists and others who had for years opposed Hitler landed up in camps. Most converted to National Socialism, because they saw the social justice they were fighting for actually coming to life under National Socialism, whereas Marxism only gave the workers theories. The arts were subsidised so workers could attend the opera and orchestral performances, at a time when culture flowered as never before or since. I’m damned if my wife and I can afford to go to orchestral performances, other than the free ones sometimes put on by students. Yet German workers could do this 70 years ago thanks to Hitler. Holidays were subsidised for workers to go on luxury cruises. One such cruise liner specifically built by the Labour Front for workers was the Wilhelm Gustlof, which was at the close of the war sank as it conveyed wounded whilst serving as a Red Cross ship.
How did Hitler make Germany a prosperous nation, find work for 6,000,000 unemployed, until there was a labour shortage, whilst the rest of the world languished in depression? Rearmament you’ll say. Nonsense. According to A J P Taylor, hardly a pro-German historian (Origins of the Second World War), Germany wasn’t even on a total war economy until several years into the war, and well after the Allied states. Hitler reformed the financial system. Under NZ’s First Labour Government of the 1930s State Housing was built with 1% loans from the Reserve Bank. Hitler used similar methods but on a grander scale. The state issued creditKráceno (Editor)
15.11.2003 4:07
Aféra generála Günzela
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?
The state issued credit at low interest. Couples could get low interest loans for mortgages, which were further decreased with the birth of each child, so that couples could actually have their low interest debt totally cancelled within a short time.
The German financial system broke away from the international banking system. Germany instituted barter in trade. Germany was capturing new markets in South America , e.g., away from Britain and the USA . The financial system was described in Sir Henry Kelliher’s popular 1930s home journal The Mirror. Kelliher was a highly regarded businessman and on the board of the BNZ. He was a lifelong monetary reformer. The First Labour Government even paid him tribute for the work he’d done to bring about a Labour Government, which had committed itself to financial reform, albeit one it largely reneged on, causing the resignation of the great Labour politician John A Lee. Kelliher published the truth about Germany in his popular magazine. I have copies of the articles. Germany was made economically self-sufficient - autarky. It was no longer enslaved to international finance.
Other nations and statesmen have tried that. The American colonists tried to issue colonial scrip and the colonies became prosperous without having to borrow from the usurers who controlled the Bank of England. The bankers responded by forcibly wrecking the value of the scrip, which threw the colonies into depression. The consequence was the American Revolution against the bankers, as clearly stated by Ben Franklin. Abraham Lincoln tried to finance the civil war with the Lincoln Greenbacks; this also caused consternation among the international bankers. Kennedy started issuing state currency that was not issued by Federal Reserve, which is controlled by the international bankers. Guernsey adopted a similar system, as did the Austrian town of Woergl , which became prosperous during the depression but was made to stop. Many have tried. Hitler did, and created a prosperous, happy nation in the midst of a world depression; something the international bankers could not allow.
Now we have a post-war world gone to ruin. Our youth, in particular, is being corrupted by the lack of heroes and role models, other than drugged and doped music and movie ‘stars’. Everyone is out for themselves, all dance around the golden calf. Jesus drove the moneychangers out of the Temple. The Pharisees had Him crucified. Hitler drove the moneychangers from the German nation. The descendants of the same Pharisees had him crucified, and are still doing so. In fact, the same criminal gang who thinks they’ve been ‘chosen’ to rule the world is crucifying our whole Western Civilisation.
The same criminal gang who decided that the British and the other European empires were no longer necessary for their purposes. Remember when after the war, Britain was heavily indebted to the NY bankers, Roosevelt reminded Churchill that the post-war world has “no use for reichs”, meaning all the old European colonial empires Kráceno (Editor)
15.11.2003 4:09
Aféra generála Günzela
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?
were to be destroyed in favour of the Jewish American Imperium? The stupid Churchill at one point said to his boss Roosevelt, “I believe you’re trying to do away with the British Empire .” How different that was from Hitler’s attitude towards the British Empire , which he viewed as one of the great sources of stability in the world. Hitler’s foreign policy aims always included an alliance with Britain, as stated in Mein Kampf. He stated to his generals that he would offer German soldiers for the protection of the empire in exchange for recognition of territorial aims in Eastern Europe, which after all was not in Britain’s sphere of interest. That is why he spared the British army at Dunkirk, holding back his tanks whilst the British evacuated. Hitler foolishly hoped that some among the British Government were men of honour whom he could deal with. He offered generous peace terms many times while he had the upper hand. I know you don’t believe me, because it’s not part of the “official storyline”; but it is cited by British military historians of the calibre of J F C Fuller and Lidell Hart. Now what do we have? Is the USA with its pseudo-culture really a worthy successor to the great nations of Europe with its heritage of High Culture?
I am no Hitlerite. But I do know what is leftover war propaganda when I see it, and I do know that our world is still very much suffering from the consequences of that war. For example,. it was anti-Hitler propaganda which obscured the German discovery of the link between tobacco and cancer. How many lives could have been saved had this information not been buried under anti-Hitlerism? Hitler had public health policies we are now only beginning to talk about, and fools such as Peter Dunne refer to “health nazis”.
You say that it is a pity the Listener did not publish your letter. But what new insights are you trying to teach? What have you learned over the decades that is anything other than the same banal, hypocritical tripe that has been forced fed on us on a daily basis for the past 60 plus years. Do you realise that this Germanophobia is still agitating British children to abuse German youngsters when they visit Britain ? Remember the little boy on Stewart Island who didn’t want to go to school because of the anti-German taunts? (Holmes show).
Shame on you madam, and do not presume to know what I have seen or understand. Give some manner of repentance, for your generation has cost my generation and others dearly.
Yours sincerely
K R Bolton
15.11.2003 12:28
Aféra generála Günzela
Josef Novák prinovak (zavináč) yahoo (tečka) co (tečka) uk 212.?.?.?
Připojuji se k správným názorům, které zde ojediněla také zazářily. Německá televize si dala práci ostrý postup proti Hohmanovi a Guenzelovi vysvětlit. Názorová svoboda a svoboda projevu je zaručena. Ale poslanec a generál nemohou řádění Bolševiků přenášet a aplikovat na celé židovstvo. To jsou známé demagogické mustry, podle kterých se pracovalo v době velkého Adolfa. A to se dnes v armádě a nebo v parlamentu neobejde bez sankcí. Hohman byl vyhozen ze své frakce. Pravděpodobně vyletí i z partaje. Ale to trvá déle. Proti tomu se s partají může i soudit. Pan generál vyletěl z armády. Z toho je vidět jak demagogie ze včerejška je nakažlivá a působící ještě dnes i na vysokoškolsky vzdělaného generála. Že pár vedoucích Bolševiků bylo židovské víry, neznamená,že celé židovstvo je také národem pachatelů. Tak to žvanit a být v armádě a v poslancem Bundestagu, tak to dnes v Německu nejde. Z druhé strany nelze nevidět, že vládě přišel tento skandál vhod, aby odvrátila alespoň na čas pozornost od vlastních problémů k zamlčovanému problému opozice, latentnímu antisemitismu, který je to poslední co Němci mohou potřebovat.
Kritizovat nynější stát Israel není v Německu žádným hříchem a nikdo to nezakazuje. Za to by generál Guenzel a poslanec Hohman neměli žádné problémy.
16.11.2003 3:07
Aféra generála Günzela
Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 202.?.?.?
K Vasemu prisevku jen toto,skoda,ze v padesatych letech za vlady Salzmana nepovesili nekoho z Vasi rodiny ,abyste mel dokonaly prehled o demagogistickych nazorech ,nebot lidem Vaseho razeni pomuze jen nazorny priklad ,aby se trochu poucili.Dobre by bylo pro Vas navstivit koncentracni tabory na Jachymovsku,jen ,tak pro zacatek.
opravdu tolik zalezi na tom jestli revoluci vedli zide?? podle me sou to lidi jako vsichni ostatni tak co?? vzdyt je to jedno jestlibyli na vedoucich mistech zide, rusi, nemci nebo co ja vim treba galgafrinchamane, sou to lidi sakra tak proc je kolem tech zidu furt tolik kecu. nechapu to, nechce mi nekdo vysvetlit jaky je rozdil mezi zidem a nevim treba mnou?
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