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Z projevu prezidenta Spojených států z roku 1821

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16.3.2003 18:04

Z projevu prezidenta Spojených států z roku 1821

stefan usdoc (zavináč) post (tečka) cz 209.?.?.?

domnivam se, ze se zaciname blizit k tomu, jak psano v posledni vete clanku. bohuzel, to, co ameriku delalo amerikou, svoboda, spravedlnost, co ji delalo zemi neomezenych moznosti, kde se jeste donedavna tradovalo: "you are free of choice", se pomalu ztraci !!!stefan


17.3.2003 4:42

Z projevu prezidenta Spojených států z roku 1821

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 203.?.?.?

Projev presidenta Spojenych Statu z roku 1821 jenom potvrzuje ,jak naivni Americane byli a jsou dodnes.Od sameho zacatku ,zide meli sve plany s Amerikou.

Zide nazyvaji New York ,druhym Jerusalemem a neni se ,co divit ,proc.
p. 31 voyage of Columbus were thus supplied by Jews. The money which was equally necessary came from the same quarter, at any rate as regards his first two voyages. But more than that. A number of Jews were among the companions of Columbus, and the first European to set foot on American soil was a Jew - Louis de Torres. So the latest researches would have us believe. But what caps all - Columbus himself is claimed to have been a Jew. ... p. 32 The first traders in America were Jews. The first industrial establishments in America were those of Jews. Already in the year 1492 Portuguese Jews settled in St. Thomas, where they were the first plantation owners on a large scale; they set up many sugar factories and gave employment to nearly three thousand Negroes. ... p. 40 During the gold-mining period Jews were the intermediaries between California and the Eastern States and Europe. The important transactions of those days were undertaken by such men as Benjamin Davidson, the agent of the Rothschilds; Albert Priest, of Rhode Island; Albert Dyer, of Baltimore; the three brothers Lazard, who established the international banking-house of Lazard Freres of Paris, London and San Francisco; the Seligmans, the Glaziers and the Wormsers. Moritz Friedlaender was one of the chief "Wheat kings." Adolph Sutro exploited the Cornstock Lodes. Even to-day the majority of the banking businesses, no less than the general industries, are in the hands of Jews. Thus, we may mention the London, Paris and American Bank (Sigmund Greenbaum and Richard Altschul); the Anglo-Californian Bank (Philip N. Lilienthal and Ignatz Steinhart); the Nevada Bank; the Union Trust Company; the Farmers' and Merchants' Bank of Los Angeles; John Rosenfeld's control of the coalfields; the Alaska Commercial Company, which succeeded the Hudson Bay Company; the North American Commercial Company, and many more. ...
K dnesnimu dni se mnoho v Americe nezmenilo a tak zide diktuji,co se ma ,a co nema pro "Americany" a tim i zbytek sveta."presented to the world by Bernard Baruch as the official spokesman of the American government"; "Mr Baruch ... proposed ... the power of veto be eliminated", i.e. in the Security Council: Baruch and Lilienthal, the authors of the Plan, were Jews, and both editors of The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, which carried the Plan and its debate, were Jews. In 1946, the US government put to Stalin a plan for World Government, created by Bernard Baruch & David Lilienthal, both Jews. This plan was put in the pages of The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Bertrand Russell described its development in his book Has Man a Future? . Baruch had earlier been associated with Wilson's attempt to have .


17.3.2003 15:20

RE: Z projevu prezidenta Spojených států z roku 1821

Pisatel si přeje zůstat v anonymitě 213.?.?.?

Reakce na 9805

nohejle, kde ty plky porad beres?


18.3.2003 3:12

Z projevu prezidenta Spojených států z roku 1821

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 203.?.?.?

Padla Ti na hlavu nejaka bomba,ani mi to nerikej,nebot ,ja neverim necim plkum take.


18.3.2003 11:32

Z projevu prezidenta Spojených států z roku 1821

dft david (zavináč) paru (tečka) cas (tečka) cz 195.?.?.?

[smích] to bylo pred 120 lety.... ne snad, ze by pro staty nebyly dulezite idealy z nichz vznikly, ale prece jenom... svet se trochu zmenil, ten projev se vztahoval k velmi jinemu svetu, nez tomu dnesnimu
i z projevu paeckeho, riegra a dalsich, jiste i z mnoha masarykovych by slo vybrat mnohe, co by dnes znelo absurdne, podobne sugestivne ci mimo (napr. loayalita k rakousku-uhersku)
vlozeni 120 stareho projevu tedy nevypovida prilis mnoho o tom kde je pravda, ale o tom cemu veri a co propaguje ten kdo ho vlozil
[smích]) dft


22.3.2003 2:13

Z projevu prezidenta Spojených států z roku 1821

Robert Nohejl emunest (zavináč) cyberinternet (tečka) com (tečka) au 203.?.?.?

Ja mam presny zpusob ,jak poznat ,kdy politici lzou.
Funguje to tak: jak jen otevrou hubu!!!! Tak lzou!!!!!


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