Operácia „STORM“, „OLUJA“ alebo BÚRKA

S USA dohodnuté najväčšie etnické „čistenie“ chorvátskeho územia

Ivan Štubňa

27.5.2020 Komentáře Témata: Bývalá Jugoslávie 1965 slov

Vo februári 1990 bola v Chorvátsku zmenená ústava, v ktorej bola garantovaná politická pluralita. Tá vytvorila možnosť vypísania volieb, ktoré sa konali na jar 1990. Víťaznou stranou sa stala Hrvatska demokratska zajednica (HDZ). V júni 1991 vyhlásilo Chorvátsko nezávislosť, ktorá bola EÚ uznaná vo februári 1992.

V Chorvátsku žila početná srbská menšina, ktorá zaberala asi tretinu chorvátskeho územia a tvorilo ju asi 12% obyvateľstva. Žili väčšinou v oblasti západného Sremu a na východe Chorvátska, v oblasti miest Knin, Kordun, Baniji atď. Chorváti začali Srbov vraždiť prakticky okamžite po vyhlásení nezávislosti. Tomislav Mercep - bývalý poradca ministra vnútra a člen parlamentu, bol vodcom eskadier smrti. V západnej Slavónii v rokoch 1991 – 1992 zavraždili okolo 2500 Srbov.

V novoprijatej chorvátskej ústave bolo zmenené postavenie Srbov z konštitučného národa na národnostnú menšinu. Srbi nesúhlasili s týmto stavom, pretože ich ani nikto neprizval na podstatné rokovania o ústave krajiny. Preto v roku 1991 vyhlásili tzv. Republiku Srbskú Krajinu, ktorá sa stala samostatnou súčasťou Socialistickej federatívnej republiky Juhoslávie. Na území tejto republiky žilo 91% Srbov. Chorvátom to spôsobovalo veľké hospodárske straty lebo prišli o úrodnú pôdu, dôležité podniky a ropné nálezisko vo východnej Slavónii.

Preto bez výstrahy od 1. mája 1995 chorvátska armáda pod velením amerických vojenských predstaviteľov a amerických nelegálnych vojenských štruktúr uskutočňovali vojenské útoky v Slavónii. Toto územie vojensky obsadila za niekoľko dní. Štvrtého augusta 1995 zahájili celoplošnú operáciu STORM alebo BÚRKA, srbsky OLUJA a z celého územia Srbov vyhnali. Operácia bola ukončená 7. augusta, ale vraždenie utekajúcich Srbov pokračovalo. Srbi utekali do Srbska, niektorí do Bosny mnohé len s tým, čo si akurát stihli so sebou zabaliť. Mnohí utekali peši aj s malými deťmi. Za 4 dni muselo ujsť okolo 250 000 Srbov. Chorváti mnohých bezbranných ľudí povraždili. Odhaduje sa, že civilných obetí bolo asi 12 000. Mnohé ich domy vypálili, podmínovali.

Američania a Nemci už dva mesiace pred akciou dodávali Chorvátom zbrane.

Etnické čistky takéhoto nevídaného rozsahu, najväčšieho od druhej svetovej vojny odsúdila väčšina štátov s výnimkou USA a Nemecka. Pre úplnosť treba dodať, že tieto čistky podporoval aj Vatikán. Chorvátsko je väčšinou katolícke územie, kým Srbi pravoslávni. Medzinárodné spoločenstvo okrem „povinnej“ deklarácie odsúdenia čistiek neurobili nič pre nápravu.

Za tento barbarský krok nesie zodovednosť Clintonova vláda, konkrétne minister Warren Christopher a nemecký minister zahraničných vecí Klaus Kinkel. Na stretnutí s chorvátskym diplomatom Miomirom Zuzulom v Londýne odsúhlasili Chorvátsku túto vojenskú akciu a neskôr sa k tomu pripojil aj Peter Galbraith, americký veľvyslanec v Chorvátsku.

Američania podporili útok elektronickým lietadlom EA-6B, zničili srbské radary a protiletecké batérie. Do akcie sa zapojili aj stíhačky NATO. Chorvátske letectvo bombardovali kolóny utekajúcich Srbov a ostreľovali ich z lietadiel. Keď Srbi prechádzali cez chorvátske dediny a mestá, Chorváti do nich hádzali kamene a fyzicky ich napádali. Mnoho utekajúcich žien bolo znásilnených. Na zverstvách sa podieľali aj bosansko-muslimanskí vojaci ktorí prekročili hranice. Viac ako 1700 ľudí sa nikdy nenašlo.

Toto barbarské bezprávie sa dialo s otvoreným súhlasom a priamou otvorenou pomocou amerických a nemeckých zločincov. Dodnes neboli zločiny potrestané. Ostane v dušiach iba horkosť, že také niečo sa mohlo zo strany tzv. „demokratov“, ale v skutočnosti zločincov, udiať. V auguste uplynie 25 rokov od týchto smutných udalostí...Smutnou skutočnosťou je, že z tzv. bývalých východných štátov sa stali lokajské štáty s bábkovými vládami, podporujúcimi zločiny svetového teroristu – USA. A to platí aj o Slovensku...Dokedy?


  1. "Weekly: U.S. Gave Zagreb 'Green Light,' " Tanjug (Belgrade), 26 July 1995. "In Croatia, U.S. Took Calculated Risk," Stephen Engelberg, New York Times News Service, 12 August 1995. "Cleansing the West's Dirty War," Joan Phillips, Living Marxism (London), September 1995. "Who Has Given the Go-Ahead?," interview with Stipe Mesic, Panorama (Milan), 8 August 1995. "The United States Gave Us the Green Light," interview with Mate Mestrovic, by Chantal de Rudder, Le Nouvel Observateur (Paris), 10 August 1995.
  2. "International Inaction in Croatia Will Complicate Bosnian War," George Jahn, Associated Press, 7 August 1995. "NATO Destroyed Krajina Missile Systems," Bosnian Serb News Agency (SRNA) (Belgrade), 6 August 1995. "Abandoned People Must Flee," interview with Slobodan Jarcevic by Cvijeta Arsenic, Oslobodjenje (Sarajevo—Bosnian Serb), 23 August 1995."Cleansing the West's Dirty War," Joan Phillips, op. cit.
  3. "Huge Refugee Exodus Runs Into Shelling, Shooting, Air Attacks," George Jahn, Associated Press, 8 August 1995. "Croat Planes Shell Refugees," Tanjug, 8 August 1995. "SRNA Review of Daily News," SRNA, 8 August 1995. "Cleansing the West's Dirty War," Joan Phillips, op. cit. "Refugees Trapped by Croat Shelling," Robert Fox and Tim Judah, Electronic Telegraph (London) (Online), 8 August 1995. "Croat Mob Attacks Nuns in Fleeing Convoy," Patrick Bishop, Electronic Telegraph, 11 August 1995. "Over 1,000 Serbs Missing in Krajina," Tanjug, 28 January 1997. "Croat Grip Is Tightened as 100,000 Flee," Tim Butcher, Electronic Telegraph, 7 August 1995.
  4. "UN Says Croatians Loot, Use Peacekeepers as Shields," Associated Press, 6 August 1995. "Helsinki Committee Reports on Krajina Operations," Hartmut Fiedler, Oesterreich Eins Radio Network, 21 August 1995. "EU Observers Accuse Croatia of Breaches of Law," Tanjug, 27 October 1995. "UN: Croatians Systematically Burned Serb Homes," Tanjug, 14 August 1995. "Croats Slaughter Elderly by the Dozen," Robert Fisk, The Independent (London), 10 September 1995. "Croats Plunder Their Way through Krajina," Mon Vanderostyne, De Standard (Groot Bijgaarden, The Netherlands), 9 August 1995. "UN Says Croats Loot Serb Villages in Krajina," Agence France-Presse, 17 August 1995. "EU Report Accuses Croatia of Atrocities Against Rebel Serbs," Julian Borger, The Guardian (Manchester), 30 September 1995. "Krajina 'Torched State,' " SRNA, 21 August 1995. "What Was Once Home to 300 Families Is Now a Graveyard," Sarah Helm, The Independent, 24 August 1995. "Helsinki Committee Chronicles Human Rights Abuses," Tanjug, 28 August 1995. "Memorandum on the Ethnic Cleansing of and Genocide Against the Serb People of Croatia and Krajina," Yugoslav Survey, third quarter, 1995.
  5. "Krajina Bears Signs of Croat Ethnic Cleansing," Randolph Ryan, Boston Globe, 8 October 1995. "UN Official Confirms Croatian Crimes in Krajina," Tanjug, 13 October 1995.
  6. "Krajina Bears Signs of Croat Ethnic Cleansing," Randolph Ryan, op.cit
  7. "Croats Burn and Kill with a Vengeance," Robert Fisk, The
  8. Independent, 4 September 1995. "Croats Leave Bloody Trail of Serbian Dead," Tracy Wilkinson, Los Angeles Times, 9n October 1995. "Reports Say Croatia Uses Killing, Arson," John Pomfret,
  9. Washington Post, 30 September 1995. "UN Asks for Inquiry into Krajina Killings," Reuters, 18 August 1995. "EU Observers Accuse Croatia of Breaches of Law," op. cit. "UN Finds Evidence of Mass Killings in Croatia," Reuters, 2 October 1995. "Croats Slaughter Elderly by the Dozen," Robert Fisk, op. cit. "EU Report Accuses Croatia of Atrocities Against Rebel Serbs," Julian Borger, op.cit. "UN: Executions, Possible Mass Graves in Krajina," Agence
  10. France-Presse, 18 August 1995. "Helsinki Committee Chronicles Human Rights Abuses," op cit. "Evidence Emerging of Crimes Against Krajina Serbs," Tanjug, 30 August 1995. "Croats Accused of Atrocities," Associated Press, 29 September 1995.
  11. "Croats Burn and Kill With a Vengeance," Robert Fisk, op.cit."EU Report Accuses Croatia of Atrocities Against Rebel Serbs, " Julian Borger, op. cit. report broadcast, RTBF-1 Television Network (Brussels), 20 August 1995. "Memorandum on the Ethnic Cleansing of and Genocide Against the Serb People of Croatia and Krajina," Yugoslav Survey, third quarter, 1995.
  12. "Krajina Operation: Helsinki Committee Member Describes Atrocities in Krajina," BBC Summary of World Broadcasts, 25 August 1995.
  13. 10) "UN Asks for Inquiry into Krajina Killings," op.cit. "UN Finds Evidence of Mass Killings in Croatia," op. cit. "UN: Executions, Possible Mass Graves in Krajina," op. cit.
  14. "Croats Slaughter Elderly by the Dozen," Robert Fisk, op. cit."Croats Ready for a Fresh Offense Against Serbs," Patrick Bishop, Electronic Telegraph, 16 August 1995. addresses by Franjo Tudjman, Radio Croatia Network, 26 August 1995. "U.S. Says Croatia is Not Guilty of Ethnic Cleansing," Patrick Moore, Open Media Research Institute, 10 August 1995.
  15. "Croatian Minister Says U.S. Gave Advice on Offensive," Jasmina Kuzmanovic, Associated Press, 5 August 1995. "Croatia Takes Effective Control of What's Left of Bosnia," San Francisco Chronicle, 11 August 1995.
  16. "NATO in Dubrovnik," Vladimir Jovanovic, Monitor (Podgorica, Yugoslavia), 23 June 1995.
  17. "AP Report on U.S. Peace Strategy," Associated Press, 13 November 1995.
  18. "AP Report on U.S. Peace Strategy," Associated Press, op cit." U.S. Troops Operate in Croatia," Associated Press, 3 February 1995.
  19. "Invisible U.S. Army Defeats Serbs," Charlotte Eagar, The Observer (London), 5November 1995.
  20. "Military Cooperation Agreement Signed with U.S." HTV Television (Zagreb) 13 October 1995.
  21. "We Can Prevent Any Serbian Maneuver," interview with Tihomir Blaskic, by Jozo Pavkovic, Vecernji List (Zagreb), 11 March 1995.
  22. "Croatian Leader's Invitation to Holocaust Museum Sparks Anger and Shock," Diana Jean Schemo, New York Times News Service, 21 April 1993.
  23. "Croatia, at a Key Strategic Crossroad, Builds Militarily and Geographically," Defense and Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy (London), 31 January 1993. "Who is Franjo Tudjman?" Narodna Armija (Belgrade), 1 March 1990.
  24. "Criticism of Tudjman Award to Ustashe," Foreign Broadcast Information Service Media Note (Media Summary), 27 January 1995. "Nationalism Turns Sour in Croatia," New York Times News Service, 13 November 1993. "Plan to Honour Ustashe Killers Outrages Minorities in Croatia," Ian Traynor, The Guardian, 18 October 1993. "Trpimir for an Executioner and a Victim," Mirko Mirkovic, Feral Tribune (Split, Croatia), 20 February 1995. "Croatian General Former Ustashe," Tanjug, 26 February 1995.
  25. "Croatia Grants Awards to Nazi-Era War Veterans," Reuters, 7 November 1996.
  26. "New Croatian Money Anathema to Serbs," John Pomfret, Washington Post, 31 May 1994. "Plan to Honour Ustashe Killers Outrages Minorities in Croatia," Ian Traynor, op.cit. "Pro-Nazi Legacy Lingers for Croatia," Stephen Kinzer, New York Times News Service, 30 October 1993. "Monument to Anti-Fascism Desecrated in Croatia," Tanjug, February 1995. "Another Anti-Fascist Monument Blown Up in Croatia," Tanjug, 11 April 1995. "Croatia, Symbols of Crimes," Miodrag Dundjerovic, Tanjug, 1 June 1994. "Croatia Adopts New Currency Recalling Fascist Era," Reuters, 9 May 1994. "Hiding Genocide," Gregory Copley, Defense and Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy, 31 December 1992. "Croatia is Rehabilitating Ustashism and the Independent State of Croatia," Politika (Belgrade), 12 February 1993. "Tudjman Calls for All-White Peace Force in Croatia," Eve Ann Prentice, The Times (London), 11 April 1995. "Croatia to Seek Expulsion of Non-White U.N. Troops," Tanjug, 10 April 1995.
  27. Interview with Franjo Tudjman, HTV Television (Zagreb), 22 April 1996.
  28. Address by Franjo Tudjman to the Croatian World Congress in Brioni, Radio Croatia Network (Zagreb), 6 July 1996.
  29. "Croatian Towns, Villages Cleansed of Serbs," Tanjug, 26 January 1993. "Savovic: Croatia Expelled 300,000 Serb," Tanjug, 5 November1993 "Serb Party Official: 350,000 Serbs Driven Out." Tanjug, 26 August 1994.
  30. "Croatian Police Tactics Cited," Associated Press, 3 October 1994. "Helsinki Committee Chair: Collective Vendetta Against Croatia's Serbs," Tanjug, 7 may 1994. "Protests Prevent Latest Wave of Croatian Apartment Evictions," Radio Free Europe, 12 July 1994. "Croatian Human Rights Activist: Zagreb Backs Human Rights Violations," Tanjug, 28 September 1994. "Rights Groups Report Abuses by Croatia," David Binder, New York Times News Service, 7 December 1993.
  31. "Interior Minister Aide Accused of War Crimes," ZDF Television Network (Mainz), 17 May 1994. "Slovene Daily Says Croatian Leaders Keep Quiet About Massacre of Serbs," Tanjug, 14 January 1994. "Croatian Paper Calls Mass Killings of Serbs a National Disgrace," Tanjug, 12 July 1994. "Zagreb Knows About Mass Killings of Serbs," Tanjug, 23 July 1994. "Dossier: Pakracka Poljana," Feral Tribune (Split, Croatia), 1 September 1997. "Death Camps and Mass Graves in Western Slavonia: Marino Selo and Pakracka Poljana," dossier prepared by Serbian Council, Belgrade, 1993.
  32. "Miro Bajramovic's Confession," Feral Tribune (Split, Croatia), 1 September 1997. "Croatian's Confession Describes Torture and Killing on Vast Scale," Chris Hedges, New York Times, 5 September 1997
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